Day 8
Happiness is having a great day. Or, is it better stated, Happiness is having the outlook of being happy? Happiness, like beauty, is in the eyes and hearts of the beholders.
We are happy ;-).
We met two wonderful women today. One was at our credit union and the other was bringing in carts in a grocery store parking lot. Well, OK, we almost ran into the line of carts she was bringing to the store cart parking area because we were walking forward and not paying as much attention to what was happening since Big Z was looking at the display at the entrance of the store and I was dreamy about the rosemary plants shaped as trees, the Christmas trees, the beauty and color, and the joy in having my son with me--- he carried the hand basket through the entire store to gather our supplies. Wow. He's getting BIG.
The woman at our credit union helped Big Z with his banking. He was depositing his allowance and distributing across his savings accounts, and with one intention. One intention only: to withdraw play money to go buy that Fox Jersey on discount at the bike shop we've been going to. The teller helping us was very kind and patient with us (as they all are when we bring in change, allowance $, gift money, etc. for this ritualistic distribution of cash across accounts).
Since she was so nice, and there was no one in line behind us, we asked if she would do us the favor of being one of our 5. She was. We found out she is a mom of a young boy, 10 months. She looked like she was getting all of her sleep and is beautiful, so we joked about the many, many sleepless nights new moms have with youngsters. She bent forward to hear Big Z's questions, and she was very willing to share her information so we can visit with her again. Her hopes with $2000 is to pay bills, and to pay more bills. This little fella has a great Mommy, we can just tell.
The other young woman collecting carts in the parking lot was a little caught off guard after we joked about almost walking into her pathway to park the line of carts by asking her if she minded if we talked with her for a little bit while walking with her to get more carts. She said it was OK, but still, wondered what we were up to. We hope that by the time we left her, we didn't startle her too much ;-).
This young woman was very conscientious. She said she didn't really spend a lot of money, but that she liked to save. If she had $2000, she would save it, and give some to an NPO (non-profit organization) that she likes, one that's associated with her church. If she had $2000/month, she kindly said that she would save some, maybe only buy groceries, maybe some clothes, but the rest she would give to her family. What a giving heart she has--- The Together We Can Change the World kind of heart.
We didn't realize when we looked at her contact information that we didn't have her phone number . . . We instead have her email and her address. This lets us know that sometimes, even when we think we are paying full attention, there are details that slip by.
We have sent them both emails using a tailored e-card with thank-yous and links to so they can view the online presentation that shows what MPM is all about, and how they can support causes closest to their hearts, pay of bills, give to those they love, and earn fuel rebates just for doing what they do everyday--- shopping for the necessities of living life.
We went to the bike shop to get Big Z's Fox jersey. Our favorite guy was there and we waved, but he was with a customer. So, we did our business of letting Z buy his shirt, knowing he was a part of our follow-up calls later in the evening. Big Z is so fun to watch when he spends his money. He takes great pride in his purchases, as he's not one to spend it lightly. But, when he knows what he wants and he has the cash in his play account to buy it, he does so with joyfulness.
I remember when I was young and I had my first job, a paper route. Well, my first job was really caring for my Grandmother, who had Parkinson's Disease, and she needed care 'round the clock. But, anyway . . . the paper route gave me my first spending cash, and later, it was my job at the local gas station/sporting goods/video store. What I most remember about having cash was the joy and pride I had when I wore my new school clothes to our local fair. It was different. I felt different knowing I had purchased those clothes instead of my parents. This creates an added admiration for my son when he's spending his cash and he's clearly glad to be doing it.
The Business Partnership Program is really appealing to us. We're talking about who is first on our list to approach. Here is a link to know more about this special program:
We thank Linda B. for her efforts to spear-head the program, and for the 25 Official Boot Camp members who are putting it into play. Perhaps even the Alternates are now getting the info. GO, TEAM, GO!
(Readers new to our blog, you may learn more about the Official Campers at All of the information about the Team, the Requirements, and their blogs, including the phone number to our daily motivational and training calls is there for YOU.)
We gave follow-up calls AFTER our Monopoly time yesterday. It was fun. I called while Big Z multi-tasked by watching "How Things are Made" on T.V. and listening to me calling.
We made 7 follow-up calls to our local people and left message for all of them. One of our people, our 8th, gave a call yesterday saying she was having trouble viewing the website, the blog, and just about everything we gave her. She didn't get to open our email as she was having computer issues, but we sent her another email from a different email account with the hopes that she could view the information on her sister's computer.
We created our e-cards for our two Canadian folks we met the other day at the grocery store and sent them. One had an email address that came back as invalid, however, we checked and checked and are sure it's right. We'll try to resend again. It's to an educational institution, so we are wondering if it was blocked since we have as our email address. We'll try to send it to him from another account.
We gave follow-up calls to our leads. One lead that had come in on the 8th we got on the phone. She said it was a bad time. I thanked her for telling me and asked if there was a better time. She said that, "No there isn't." I asked if she was still looking for information about a home business, and she said, "No. I'm not looking any longer." I thanked her for her time and wished her and her family a happy holiday.
I called another woman and a fellow answered. She was away from the house for another 30 minutes or so. I left my name and info with him so she can contact me, and I will call again in 5 days.
I called our last person, and she answered. She was wonderful to visit with for a few minutes. She had a kind voice, and she had requested information, and she was still wanting to know more. However, her Seattle number rang in Missouri and it was 10 PM! Her address showed she lived in a town called Ozark, and I said that I'd never heard of that town in Washington State! She and her husband have just moved there, something they've wanted to do for a long time, as they have family in Missouri and in Iowa. Her husband's previous employers just sold the business, so, they figured they may as well just move.
She told me she had saved my message and planned on calling me to get together next week when she and her husband flew back to Seattle to put their house on the market. They will be here for a few months. We made plans to talk again when she gets to Seattle, and is settled. We agreed that I would call her on Wednesday if she hadn't called by then. She lands on Sunday night, and I told her to call anytime she felt like she had the time for it.
My call with this very kind woman was the perfect way to end our calls for the day--- on a very friendly note, with the joy that a good bit of visiting will soon take place ;-). We like creating new friends ;-).
3 years ago
Hi Big Z, Man I can't wait until you get older. I'll bet you will make more money than Bill at Microsoft. Keep up the good job young man. Not are you making mom proud but me too. At least I know the world will be in good hands when you get older. You may even be the President some day.
Mom, you asked on my blog what the businesses reaction to the flyers was. Basicly they thought it was a cute idea, one added bonus to the whole program. I don't think that alone will sell them on the program. While I love Ginny and Jackie's enthusiam selling to businesses is a time intesive job. You are not going to do it with email or the phone alone. They all have their place, but it is going to take the personal touch to get the job done.
Good luck to you and Big Z, I know some day he is going to get older and realize what a true prize his mother is.
Wow, I am just amazed! I wish you the best. I have set up malls for each of my grown daughters. The are in their 20's. I upgraded and put npo's under them and started building. Well, actually I set up two already built under one. ( my sister in law Cindylyn decker is one of the boot campers. and is under that one that I have gotten some already. Above Cindy and below my daughter I have 2 gifting centers. One is for a child Abuse coalition and the other is for MADD- mothers against drunk drivers. For me the money that Cindy generates from being on my 5th and my daughters 4th line is not going to much until it gets into numbers, but for my charities I know it will be huge. My other charities is my boot camp one. I am not in the boot camp, but I am doing it as if I am. My husband forbid me to do any going out or over doing it the past couple of days, because I have the flu. I guess he is right. I was sick a couple of weeks ago. and was well for a week and then bamm sick again. But I am trying to follow up and also get my gifting mall a home(find a place to give it to). I just want to say I enjoyed your blog and will keep track on how you are doing. I would love to hear from this extraordinary young man you have. I think on the weekends if he can put a word in. I would also love for you to follow me and see my progress, if I ever stop with this sore throat and laryngitis, I could deal with everything else. Reach for your Dreams and the Dreams of others.
I just love seeing you doing something positive and so enriching. Instead of getting into trouble. I know if you keep it up In a couple of years with mpm, you will be a young millionaire. I cannot tell you how it tickles me!
Tina from new york
Hi Vern,
Thank you for answering the query to my question about the reaction to the flyer. I would agree that it would take a personal touch for a business to take a look at what you have--- They only have so much time, and a piece of paper vs. a person. The person should win out every time, and be more likely to be remembered.
I'll make sure Big Z gets to hear your compliments. Thank you for the compliment you gave me, too. I appreciate it.
Tina K., thank you, too, for your kudos for Big Z. Been hearing you on the calls and reading your posts. I can hear how much you're supporting Cindylin via phone and blog. Not to mention the whole team.
Wow. You have a lot of gifting centers. Way cool.
Say, take some time out to rest. You've got to get better so you can keep cheerleading everyone!
As for Big Z, I'm keeping him informed of the comments for him, and, we're working towards getting his personal input to the blog. For now, monopoly, school, sleep, cubscouts, meeting people, and time with his dad wins out. We'll get him there, though, including some of his goals and whys. I'll let you know though, he talks as much as I type! :-0
Feel better soon. ;-)
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