Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thoughts, Technique, Muscle Memory, and Confidence

From The Be The Difference E-Zine

March 31, 2009

Do you remember learning how to crawl, walk, brush your teeth, or speak? Probably not. But how about playing a musical instrument, or using a crayon or scissors? Remember learning how to do the dishes, fix a broken toy, or sew on a missing button? How about driving a car?

I distinctly remember both my high school driving instructor and my father teaching me how to drive. The car at the school was an automatic, but my family only owned cars with clutches. Boy that was exciting! Remember how you had to think about each step before moving to the next? Nothing was automatic about it! Now, 43 years later, I don't even think about the act of driving - it's second nature to me.

I also remember teaching myself to play the guitar. Every chord was a struggle - but after several weeks of daily practice, I was able to switch chords without thinking about the placement of my fingers on the strings or correct fret. Same idea with the piano, gymnastics, swimming, archery, crocheting - actually, everything I learned to do. First I learned the steps, then practiced and practiced until my body cooperated with my mind's instruction. Finally, through repetition, I mastered the movements. The idea is that neural pathways are built that give the muscles a sense of memory. Without thinking, we stand up and walk and our muscles are completely accustomed to the process. The body just knows how to do it because the neurons communicate with the muscles and basically say, "walk."

This kind of repeated physical training is often referred to as "muscle memory." The muscles become accustomed to a certain series of movement. It's an unconscious process - the more you do a certain activity, the more likely you are to do it as needed, when needed.

That's why learning the correct technique or way to do something is important. Your muscle memory will actually work against you if you learn something the wrong way first. The incorrect method has to be "unlearned" and new neural pathways formed to learn the correct or better technique.

Muscle memory isn't completely understood. It does appear that attitude can interfere with muscle memory. If you are very nervous or convinced you can't do something, your ability to learn is impaired.

Interesting, isn't it? I think the theory of muscle memory goes beyond just the physical. I believe it also applies to the way we think and experience life. For instance, I loved mathematics and was at the top of my class in basic math: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. But once I hit algebra and geometry, I hit a wall. For some reason the new way of thinking never "clicked" for me; I believed I just couldn't get it, and I struggled to the point of embarrassment in those classes.

We often allow one or two experiences to determine our course of action. Because we are taught failure is a bad thing (good and bad grades in school, being the last to be chosen for a team, experiencing a bad relationship, etc.), we learn to interpret ourselves in a negative light. We unconsciously decide we can't perform at an acceptable level - and so we don't. After awhile, our muscle memory moves to the negative side of the scale instead of the positive. It's a downward spiral.

But there is good news! Just as technique can be unlearned and relearned - we can do the same in life. Our future does not have to be doomed because of our past. We can decide right here - right now - that we will begin the process of leaving the past and living in the present. We can choose to retrain our muscle memory in ways that put us in positive frames of mind and move us forward into a bright and exciting future.

I believe that deciding to learn the muscle memory of confidence and belief in yourself will definitely...

...make it a great year!

Sandi Valentine

Sandi's message today strikes a chord with what Big Z's piano teacher was teaching him yesterday, as she asked him to play the most difficult parts over and over and over, slowly and correctly, so that he could gain his confidence, engage his muscle memory, and increase his skill and speed. It's almost as if Big Z's piano teacher had been given Sandi's message before the class began.

Big Z's teacher noticed that he was playing incorrectly. And, as she set about to help him play correctly, she told him about how his brain and his fingers will "remember" what it is they do, whether or not he does it correctly or incorrectly. She added that trying to play a piece of music gets really tricky when you use different fingers, don't count the same rhythm, and generally aren't focusing on what the music says; the brain trips out and the music doesn't sound so good when played in this way. But, she said, when effort is given to practicing the harder parts over and over and over, and doing it with the same fingers, and doing it with correct beats (counting aloud), then, the brain records it and beautiful music is created, thereby making it much easier to play the whole song without mistakes and with greater ease. The muscles of the body, arms, hands, and fingers take over as the eyes read the music and send the information to the brain.

Sandi's article and Big Z's experience yesterday cause me to remember learning how to type. Junior high was the year. Old clunky typewriters that bear no resemblance to the keyboards of today's computers (or mobile gadgets) were lined up on desks in a small room in a portable building. Though my teacher was a favorite, I remember I didn't have much of a joyful feeling in this small room.

I remember being challenged greatly as I tried to get my brain to know where the keys were on the typewriter. I'd stare up at the front of the squat room and see the keyboard illuminated on pull down screen, a hazy image from a transparency shining from the dull glow cast from the overhead projector. I would will my eyes to keep looking up even though my head kept wanting to help my eyes see my fingers by looking down, which seemed

the easier way to learn typing, or so I thought. Every word I typed on that clunky machine was difficult. Sometimes I would move my stare to the green board with big white letters on it that formed sentences that were supposed to use almost every letter found on the typewriter.

I have memories of "The big fat cat jumped over the lazy dog." But, was it really the big fat cat? It was the lazy dog; and for sure, I definitely remember jumping on those keys! I also remember the crooked lines of the font when I'd pull my paper with my hard won words and sentences out of the typewriter's rollers with a sigh. (After not being able to remember all day, I asked a person I know. They helped me remember it was the quick red fox, and I then found my memory bank: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!)

It was during this time that I also got to be on the yearbook staff and we used those typewriters to help us create our text. Looking back at our little hand-created yearbook, I remember more the joy of cutting and pasting photos than I do typing up the names of classmates, or lines of text for it. Maybe I didn't type at all, and it was my fellow yearbook team that did ;-).

In high school I had a class that dealt with word processing as an elective. I really wasn't very good in this class, and didn't understand all the other skills associated with creating letters or documents. But I remember I got through it okay, and I was always glad that the teacher was kind and gracious with my lack of knowledge, for compared to my classmates who'd already been studying office skills, I was far behind!

It was during high school that my step-Dad got an electric typewriter. What a change from his little blue manual typewriter . . . I can still recall the hum it made, the heat it generated, and the ease my fingers felt as I pressed its keys. It was on this machine that my skills increased and I got better at typing. I don't really want to say good, but better. I think I even got brave enough to type up some of my English assignments. One project that I really had my sights set on was typing every word of The Holy Bible. Needless to say, I let that aspiration go after the first few pages ;-).

In my early 20's I purchased an expensive word processor from Sears, one that I'd hoped to use for a business from home. In the end, it was used to write all my college papers ;-). It was a good little machine, and it is the machine that I feel gave me the most practice with typing. I increased my speed and skill in typing and it gave me confidence for the first time. It was on this machine that my muscle memory was created, so transitioning to computer keyboard only improved my skills because I don't even have to think about where a letter is on the keyboard today. My mind just seems to tell my fingers in rapid-fire-fashion where they are.

Big Z, however, has to study the keys to find his letters . . . Though I still don't know how many words I can type a minute, and I cannot say that I'm an expert with creating documents and using the computer, and I also transpose letters amazingly well using the keyboard, I can say that I am quite at ease in front of my computer, very much unlike the days in that old temporary building crammed with typewriters.

And, as I listened to Big Z and his teacher play the song they'd been working on from start to finish, I admit that I welled up with pride at the improvements and the confidence that Big Z showed as he played that song. He followed his teacher's direction and worked diligently to get it right. She told him, "Sit up straight. You know how to play this. You're a professional." And he adjusted himself to her words by sitting up straight, and concentrating on the music in front of him.

I will attempt to have him read Sandi's article so that he can have on reinforcement on his teacher's lesson yesterday. (Guess what? Big Z is sitting here with me as I read this whole post to him. Isn't that great?)

You may ask, "What does all of this have to do with growing a My Power Mall business?" And I answer you by saying, "Everything."

As My Power Mall business owners, many of us have varied skill sets to bring to our business table. Some of us have previous experience in business, in network marketing, in sales, in office skills, and in life; others of us do not.

We must take the time to learn the techniques, and take the steps and actions which will create the neural pathways in our brains, which then create the muscle memory in our bodies in order for us to achieve success.

We must follow the steps given to us and do it consistently in order to achieve whatever level of success we desire.

What are the steps to starting my business off right?

  • Ensure you've received your welcome letter. Read it, and take note of your MPM ID and your key code.

  • Install your MPM Tool bar, so that you will be current in My Power Mall news.

  • Go into your back office, update your payment information and personal information. This ensures you will receive your payments.

  • Seek the training information and sign up for MPM 101 with Dr. Bob so that you know where to find everything in your mall. This gives you power and confidence to explore on your own when you're finished. There's a lot of information at your fingertips, but only you can get your fingers to do the walking!

  • Choose to be a leader and become a World Changer from the beginning of your new business. You may upgrade easily from your back office home page.

  • If you're not a World Changer, make your first purchase on your mall, or, get an American Express or Visa Gift Card so that you can shop in your local area with ease.

  • Sign up for the World Changer coaching clinics with Jacki.

  • Create a Foundation Mall under your mall to put into effect the power of giving and the concept of "You Can't Outgive The Universe" by going to the World Changer Team Site. Then begin growing your team under your new Foundation Mall or Giving Center. This takes your focus off "you" and places your focus on "helping others" which can be powerfully effective in sharing your mall with others.

  • Read your Power Bites that come to your email address that you used when you signed up for your MPM business.

  • If you aren't receiving your Power Bites, find them by using the drop-down menu on your Tool Bar; and then, follow the directions on your home page in the back office for opting in to the MPM Updates again, and ensuring all your programs allow MPM to communicate with you (read the details on how to do this).

  • Listen to recorded Family Chats located in your back office and make it a point to attend all Monday night Family Chats.

  • Listen to the recorded Boot Camp training calls, and check out the blog postings from the Boot Campers because they've done some tremendous work "showing you the ropes by their personal experience". Boot Camp Participant Info.

  • Listen to calls from the last days of Boot Camp at the new Together We Can Change The World Radio website: TWCCTWBlog Talk Radio

  • Tune into live coaching calls at the same Blog Talk Radio address above.

  • As you read your Power Bites and you begin your business, remember why it is that you wanted a business in the first place. Ask yourself WHY you are choosing to partner with My Power Mall and Together We Can Change The World. Spend some time pondering what it is you would like to achieve. Talk with the person who shared MPM with you and share this information with them. They can support you and keep you accountable as you begin to take actions towards your goals. Creating a powerful Why Statement will keep you on track and give you encouragement to keep going.

  • If you came to My Power Mall as anything other than a World Changer, make it your first priority to upgrade as soon as feasible for your current situation. It will elevate your mental attitude, and it will reward you by getting you paid more quickly.

  • While you listen to training calls and read information, or get to a place you need clarification, write your questions/thoughts down on paper. You have options that can help you once you have your info on paper. A) You may then check the FAQs in your back office and find that your very question is answered there for you. B) You may also contact the person who shared MPM with you and ask them your question or share with them your thoughts. They are here to support you and encourage you to your success. They will meet you, especially when you take the steps to meet them. C) You may contact a Live Chat Operators during the available hours by clicking the "Contact Us" button. Please note that the Operators will refer you to your back office and the FAQ's when a question you have has already been answered. The reason is because of the great efforts the Management Team and its volunteers have gone to in order to provide you with as much helpful information as possible to enable your success.

  • Take responsibility for your personal growth, and your business growth. This business will require you to dream, plan, set goals, and take action on your goals in order to achieve your desired level of success. MPM's management and many members are here to support you, but it is only YOU who can take the action and put power behind your intentions. No one can grow your team for you, and no one can shop for you. You must learn to maximize and leverage what your mall provides --- rebates on all your purchases; and you must share this with others so that they, too, can maximize and leverage every single purchase they make from today forward.

Wishing you joy and success in your new business ~~~ Remember: Together WE CAN Change The World!

Now, go out there and take action! And have fun while you're doing it ;-). You will be helping your mind create new neural pathways which will lead to creating muscle memory. Before you know it, you will "automatically" know what to do and how to do it; and you will learn which ways become your favorite ways to share MPM with people. By using the techniques above, you will soon find your confidence will soar. Just like the Boot Campers, you will find your perfect groove in MPM and you will achieve your goals, with a smile in your heart and on your face.

Monday, March 30, 2009

What's Most Important When Starting A Business?

Lydia's List


When starting any enterprise or business, whether it is full-time or part-time, we all know the value of having plenty of capital (money). But I bet we both know or at least have heard of people who started with no capital who went on to make fortunes. How?, you may ask.

Well, I believe there are actually some things that are more valuable than capital that can lead to your entrepreneurial success. Let me give you the list.

1. Time.

Time is more valuable than capital. The time you set aside not to be wasted, not to be given away. Time you set aside to be invested in an enterprise that brings value to the marketplace with the hope of making a profit. Now we have capital time.

How valuable is time? Time properly invested is worth a fortune. Time wasted can be devastation. Time invested can perform miracles, so you invest your time.

2. Desperation.

I have a friend Lydia, whose first major investment in her new enterprise was desperation. She said, "My kids are hungry, I gotta make this work. If this doesn't work, what will I do?" So she invested $1 in her enterprise selling a product she believed in. The $1 was to buy a few fliers so she could make a sale at retail, collect the money and then buy the product wholesale to deliver back to the customer.

My friend Bill Bailey went to Chicago as a teenager after he got out of high school. And the first job he got was as a night janitor. Someone said, "Bill, why would you settle for night janitor?" He said, "Malnutrition." You work at whatever you can possibly get when you get hungry. You go to work somewhere -- night janitor, it doesn't matter where it is. Years later, now Bill is a recipient of the Horatio Alger award, rich and powerful and one of the great examples of lifestyle that I know. But, his first job – night janitor. Desperation can be a powerful incentive. When you say - I must.

3. Determination.

Determination says I will. First Lydia said, "I must find a customer." Desperation. Second, she said, "I will find someone before this first day is over." Sure enough, she found someone. She said, "If it works once, it will work again." But then the next person said, "No." Now what must you invest?

4. Courage.

Courage is more valuable than capital. If you've only got $1 and a lot of courage, I'm telling you, you've got a good future ahead of you. Courage in spite of the circumstances. Humans can do the most incredible things no matter what happens. Haven't we heard the stories? There are some recent ones from Kosovo that are some of the most classic, unbelievable stories of being in the depths of hell and finally making it out. It's humans. You can't sell humans short. Courage in spite of, not because of, but in spite of. Now once Lydia has made 3 or 4 sales and gotten going, here's what now takes over.

5. Ambition.

"Wow! If I can sell 3, I can sell 33. If I can sell 33, I can sell 103." Wow. Lydia is now dazzled by her own dreams of the future.

6. Faith.

Now she begins to believe she's got a good product. This is probably a good company. And she then starts to believe in herself. Lydia, single mother, 2 kids, no job. "My gosh, I'm going to pull it off!" Her self-esteem starts to soar. These are investments that are unmatched. Money can't touch it. What if you had a million dollars and no faith? You'd be poor. You wouldn't be rich. Now here is the next one, the reason why she's a millionaire today.

7. Ingenuity.

Putting your brains to work. Probably up until now, you've put about 1/10 of your brainpower to work. What if you employed the other 9/10? You can't believe what can happen. Humans can come up with the most intriguing things to do. Ingenuity. What's ingenuity worth? A fortune. It is more valuable than money. All you need is a $1 and plenty of ingenuity. Figuring out a way to make it work, make it work, make it work.

8. Heart and Soul.

What is a substitute for heart and soul? It's not money. Money can't buy heart and soul. Heart and soul is more valuable than a million dollars. A million dollars without heart and soul, you have no life. You are ineffective. But, heart and soul is like the unseen magic that moves people, moves people to buy, moves people to make decisions, moves people to act, moves people to respond.

9. Personality.

You've just got to spruce up and sharpen up your own personality. You've got plenty of personality. Just get it developed to where it is effective every day, it's effective no matter who you talk to - whether it is a child or whether it is a business person - whether it is a rich person or a poor person. A unique personality that is at home anywhere.

My mentor Bill Bailey taught me, "You've got to learn to be just as comfortable, Mr. Rohn, whether it is in a little shack in Kentucky having a beer and watching the fights with Winfred, my old friend or in a Georgian mansion in Washington, DC as the Senator's guest." Move with ease whether it is with the rich or whether it is with the poor.

And it makes no difference to you who is rich or who is poor. A chance to have a unique relationship with whomever. The kind of personality that's comfortable. The kind of personality that's not bent out of shape.

And lastly, let's not forget charisma and sophistication. Charisma with a touch of humility. This entire list is more valuable than money. With one dollar and the list I just gave you, the world is yours. It belongs to you, whatever piece of it you desire whatever development you wish for your life. I've given you the secret. Capital. The kind of capital that is more valuable than money and that can secure your future and fortune. Remember that you lack not the resources.

Credit Statement to be included in Reprints:

This article was submitted by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher. To subscribe to the Free Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine go to www.jimrohn.com or send a blank email to subscribe@jimrohn.com

Copyright © 2001-2006 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Stories from Happy My Power Mall Shoppers

"I have used Quill.com since the mid 80's and I think they are great! They are an office supply store, including furniture and everything the big names offer. Their prices are often very good and sometimes comparable, but one of the things I love about them is that just about any order over $45 for office supplies gets you fre`e shipping. And they usually deliver within two days - and I live in rural South Dakota! That's practically unheard of here.

I've gotta say, though, InkSmile.com won me over on their ink cartridge prices hands down. Otherwise, I'm tooting the horn for Quill.com!

Still pinching pennies!"


"I am so excited, I just found some great cheap customized giveaways on our mall!

SmileMakers has some small, inexpensive items that can be customized under their Financial --> Custom/Promotional Items category! The other day I searched high and low for something on our mall to use as giveaways at the home parties I'm going to be having and just couldn't find anything cheap enough or in small enough quantities. Then yesterday, I received an e-mail seeing if people would be interested in donating some items for a class and it led me to find SmileMakers!

I just got done ordering 40 small piggy banks that have a smiling coin on them and My Power Mall, "Change" Lives!', www.shop4thekids.com all for just $36 and there was no shipping! 25 of these will be going to pregnant teens who are taking a class to help them with keeping their babies and finishing their education!

I hope this can help someone else, too."


"After my monitor decided I could read everything on it within a half second before it went completely black. I checked the special conditions (the little magnifying glass) for Best Buy and noticed they pay commissions even if you pick the item up from the store. So I jumped in the car, drove to Best Buy and picked out the monitor I wanted. Then I asked the clerk if I could make the purchase online. When I told him I get paid to shop online, and Best Buy was on our store list, he immediate logged me on and I placed the order through my mall. I selected the option to pick the item up at my local store; good thing I was already there. I printed the purchase receipt and they carried the monitor to customer service for me. How cool is that? I simply had to wait until their system tracked the online purchase. Ten minutes later I had my monitor in hand and w as out the door."

Owen Ott

"I should have written this weeks ago. I
needed a kitchen scale when I first joined MPM and it was my first purchase,
only to find out it was backordered for over a month. THEN, one of those
handy "Shopping Alerts" came across my email for cooking.com, and they had
exactly what I needed in stock. Thank you for the "Shopping Alerts"
I also had been trying to get Bissel Carpet Cleaner for some time, but there
was no store here that carried it. Again, MPM had it for me. Now when I need
something I'm not sure of finding, I turn to MPM first."
Bob Luhrsen

"I saved over $200.00 on a wireless headset on the mallfrom thenerds.netI have been watching this item for over 2years for between 300.-400 dollars got it from this site for 150.00."

Edy Delarosa

"I remember someone telling me about an inflatable life vest that goes around your waist like a fanny-pack, and activated by a rip-cord if you need it. I have a new rowing shell that will have me out on the waters of Lake Whatcom early in the mornings. I don't want to wear a regular, restrictive life-vest and knew something like this would be perfect. I went straight to Boater's World, found what I wanted at a great price, and paid no shipping or tax. I love shopping on my mall! :)."

Ginny Dye

We got a fantastic buy on a Vizio HDTV from TigerDirect. TigerDirect offers 1.4% commission. We ordered it on Friday, March 7 and received it via UPS yesterday (Monday). We have been shopping for one since our old tube TV lost 'red' and we have some very interesting TV viewing (food looked very unappetizing). The new TV is a 1080p, 42-inch that we watch a movie on last night. It's so great to know we are actually earning on our online purchases through My Power Mall.

Christine Farley

I work a regular job (long hours) and I'm too tired after work to go shopping. I sometimes shopped online, but only for books, DVDs, and perhaps birthday presents for the grandchildren. I never thought about shopping for 'everything' I need; like I am starting to do now on My Power Mall. What a bonus! Everything delivered to my doorstep.

I have to tell you that when I first started this program, I had to remind myself to 'check My Power Mall first before getting things I need at the offline stores.' And guess what? So far, every store I've looked for at My Power Mall has been there and every item I've needed was there too - typically at good savings. Many of the stores offer fre*e shipping and I love that! Now that benefits my pocketbook, saves me time, affords me the major convenience of shopping from home, and the commissions will provide income for my non-profit human rights organization at the same time.

Maybe I can retire and work the non-profit organization full-time one day soon! :-)

Thank you for developing MPM. It's a great idea, and I foresee this program helping a lot of people in many different ways!

Sherry Swiney, Alabaster, AL

"I just wanted to let everyone know that I found some great back-to-school necessities for the elementary age on Oriental Trading. I guess I didn't really expect to find some of those things there but I did!"


"I just wanted to share some info for shopping for household supplies on the mall... First I go to GiftCertificates.com and order an electronic gift card [for the store I'm shopping in]...it takes a day or two to get the gift card in your email. Then I go to the store through my Mall and shop for household items, including snacks. ...I've looked for pet food and cat litter but they are so expensive to ship because they are so heavy - my solution is Petsmart which pays on gift cards with free shipping of course. So I order $100 each month and then just pick it up at the store. So I save money on everything and the best part, I'm a stay at home mom of three and I can order online and not have to hear, "Mommy, I want" in the store - ahhhh, peace! Thanks so much for giving us such a great gift and a way to give back."

~Jessica Allen

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shopping Tips For Maximizing Your Rebates with MPM

Shopping Tips

My Power Mall has a team of people looking out for your best shopping experience. Here is a sampling of the shopping tips provided in your Shopping Alert! Newsletter.

Since your purchases are helping our One-Child-At-A-Time (OCAAT) recipients, take just a minute and read about the child currently being helped. My Power Mall is MUCH bigger than saving and making money -- it's also about saving and empowering LIVES! We really do believe that together we can change the world! You will find a picture of the OCAAT recipient on the Home page of your mall. There is also a link so you can read his/her story.

If you are an international MPM member, look for items you can purchase on your mall and then download them such as: domain names, web hosting, software, travel (airline tickets, hotel reservations, rental cars, etc.), ebooks, etc.

Never sign up for auto-ship programs. Your original purchase will be tracked, but subsequent purchases will be lost to you because they will have been generated by the store, not by you in your mall. Just put a reminder in your computer's calendar to remind you when to order each month.

When you first go to the mall, you will see 12 stores listed. These are our featured stores and have been chosen because of their current specials. Take a minute to check them out and see if there is something there you've been just waiting for. . .

If you are going to do comparison shopping on your mall, do it PRIOR to starting your purchase. Leaving the store once the checking out process has begun can cause loss of the tracking information. Comparison shopping is great! Just do it before you start shopping.

Sit down with your calendar and list all the birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions in your life where a gift is given (baptisms, christenings, bar mitzvahs, graduations, holidays, etc.). Then go to your email client's calendar and schedule shopping for these events 3 weeks ahead so you have plenty of time to receive them before the event. You'll be reminded while you're on the Internet so it's a breeze to click on your toolbar's SHOP NOW button and get that perfect gift without delay.

Keep a shopping list at your computer (or wherever you are) to check or write down what you need as things start to get low (but before you need them). Then once or twice a week, get on your Mall and make your purchases. There are several stores that offer everyday needs.

Once you make a purchase from your mall you will most likely begin receiving emails from those merchants. NEVER use the link in their emails because you will NOT receive credit for your purchase(s) as we cannot track purchases unless they are made in your mall. However - if they offer a coupon code, write it down so you can enter it at the time of checkout (from your mall, of course!) and get that special product or sale price!

Want to know what our Privacy Policy is? Just scroll down to the text link navigation menu at the bottom of your MPM mall and click on Privacy Policy.

Click on your HOT DEALS button every day! We have a team of people scouring the mall to bring you GREAT deals on specific sales items. Some are only good for that particular day! So don't miss out -- it's a simple mouse click away on your MPM toolbar!


VISA Gift Cards purchased on your Mall are the answer for harnessing the power of EVERYDAY spending – allowing you to make money from every purchase you make! You make your commission when you buy your card, and then you spend them in the millions of places VISA is accepted.

Buy groceries, gasoline, toiletry items

Get your car fixed or your hair done

Pay for your prescriptions or your eyeglasses

Purchase Gift Cards as gifts for the special people in your life

The best part is that you are sharing My Power Mall every time you use this MPM Branded Visa Gift Card AND you are making a difference for a child in the world!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ever Leave Your Vehicle Lights On?

Then Shop Online.
(Lessons Learned.)

I admit it. I'm famous for leaving my car lights on, or the parking lights on, especially since I've either been in a drive that wrapped around the house and didn't have anything to reflect the lights back to me, or, that I back into my drive and therefore, still have nothing to reflect the light on. Good excuses, but what's that got to do with leaving lights on in the daytime? Hmmm. Nothing. We have plenty of days where it's not real bright out, but, yet, it's not dark. I'm guilty. My lights have to be turned off manually and I've been known to leave my lights on more than once.

Okay. A lot more than once. ;-)

Most often I've been lucky and have been able to round someone up to give me a jump start. I have diligently carried my jumper cables in my car (they used to be in the big truck, but I learned my lesson quickly) so that I would always have them when I found a willing helper.

This morning, I went to the car and we're out the door late. The doors wouldn't unlock. Hmmm. That's strange. I came to find out that nothing worked; I apparently left the parking lights on last night when we arrived home. As usual, when you're late and this happens, distress can set in pretty quickly. As I went through my list of possible solutions in my head, I was grateful that we have neighbors. I went and asked for help ;-).

My neighbor came out in his shorts and turned his car around and helped me out. Oh, the sweet feeling of a rescued damsel in distress ;-). We thanked him,and I was kind of glad that he had a chance to warm up the van for his wife who was flying out the door to clean three houses after having no work for the last two days. Ah, well, at least I didn't ask him out here for nothing.

We went on our way, and I was diligent about keeping my car running so we could charge that dead battery. I dropped Big Z off with a hug from the car. I made it to the USPS and shut it off, not remembering until afterward that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. It started up and I figured the hurdle was over--- that was long enough for the alternator to do its work, yeah!

Today was a different story. I backed my car into the drive and headed to do my work. After I was finished with numerous tasks, I raced out the door to go offer help to our new friend with her baby since likely she and Baby were the only ones home. When I got in my car and went to star it, I found it wouldn't start, again.

Hmm. Not to worry; I'd checked already, and I can say that I did turn the lights off this time. The battery was dead, dead, dead. I got creative though and figured that automatics must be able to turn over by some other mechanism like a standard when you pop the clutch, right? I thought, "What do I have to lose (except maybe the tranny) if I just roll on down the hill here and start her up?" I figured nothing, and I had the bonus of my neighbor still being home (he's laid off from work). Well, alas, there is no such magic experience: my car didn't do a thing. Hmmph.

Off I went to get my neighbor to sweet talk him one more time for help. He was eating lunch, and his boy home from school ill. I told him I'd wait, all the while knowing my opportunity for helping my friend was likely to be a loss. Since I had to wait, I got my recycling containers from the street and stumbled over my gas cans in the garage entryway. They've just come from the back of the truck that has a new owner and home. I decided that I would give one of them to my neighbor as a thank you for helping me not once today, but twice. He'd been eyeing them in the back of my truck and finally asked me about them one day, asking if they were mine. I told him that most were, that I used them for when I mowed lawns in the summer. I came upstairs and got a pen to cross out my name so that I could surprise him with it.

When he came out, I'd finally sunk myself into the seat of my car and was enjoying the added warmth of my down jacket coupled with the warmth created from the sun's beautiful rays after rain last night. I eased into the fact that I was going to have to get a new battery . . . an inevitable action when a battery is as old as mine. My brother-in-law told me so in CA in late November when I left my lights on and had to ask him for help. He laughed (as only good brother-in-laws do) when I stopped him after my step-dad's funeral before he and my sister took off down the highway. He knew exactly what I'd done ;-). His family has had an auto shop for years so he could tell by my sweet battery that its day was coming, and he even suggested I take care of it right then and there. Well, I didn't. And, it got me back home and to CA and back for one more trip, no problem. Today, however, that wasn't the case.

My neighbor didn't say anything as he got in his truck and pulled it to my car. The van had a nice new battery in it, and new cable ends and it was sweet. I commented on it and he showed me it also had another new part (this many hours later, I admit I don't remember what it was). The engine compartment to his Toyota was even sweeter, and his battery also looked great. So, since I knew my engine wouldn't turn right over after how dead it was this morning, after we hooked up the cables, I told him to come look.

I went to the open door of my car and brought out the gas can. I said, "This is for you."

He said in his rusty English (he's from El Salvador), "How much you want?"

I replied, "I don't want anything for it. You asked about it and I'm giving it to you to thank you for helping me."

He said, "Really?" and he smiled. He was surprised.

I said, "Yes. It's for you. I appreciate your help, and I know you can use it for the lawn-mowing you do for your R.Services company."

I could tell he was happy. We started talking about car batteries and where to get them and then we talked about giving my truck away and he was surprised. He then told me he wanted a bigger truck, a Toyota Tundra, and that the prices are good for them now. I laughed and said, "They still cost a lot when you don't have any money!" And, he agreed, that now that he's out of work, he can't get one, but he drove one anyhow, and they're really nice.

My car started right up so I disconnected the cables and figured by then, there was no way I was going to be able to help my friend if I went to her house, especially if my car wouldn't start again! So, off to Sears I went. While I was driving there, I was wondering how my unexpected purchase would affect the rest of our budget. And, my other thought was I surely didn't have time to find someone to help me get a Visa gift card to make my local purchase! Thankfully, I made it through all that thinking as I arrived and had the thought:

"Isn't Sears on Big Z's Mall? I think it IS! Wow! This is great. I wonder, since I have money in my checking account (as of yesterday) and I have a debit card, if I can make an online purchase and pick up the battery right here?"

The first thing I told the technician was why I came to Sears. The second thing I asked was if I could check to see if Sears was a store on my son's mall so that I could get him a rebate for my purchase; and if I could pick up my battery right then and there. We had to ask his manager and we found that you CAN pick up your online order at the store. GREAT.

So, we went about checking to see if they had a battery in stock. We found one that would work. Then, we went to the computer to see if I could make an online purchase. We ran into a snafu there because Sears only has an Intranet of its own stores to view online.

I told the young man, "Isn't there anywhere else I can use a computer? I can only make this purchase through my son's business portal!" There wasn't, so, I said, "Well, my only solution is to go home, leave my car running, and make the order online and come back here." He had no other alternative but to agree, so, I got the pertinent information I would need and came home.

I went to Big Z Gives Big, Big Z's Foundation Mall, and I looked in the drop-down menu and YES! Sears IS on the Mall. I double-checked its rebate paid into the plan was 4.9%. For kicks and giggles, and since Kmart and Sears are now tied together, I checked Kmart's rebate --- not-so-good. So, happily I went back to Sears and made my purchase.

I easily navigated the system, placed my order for the battery and the installation, and checked the little box that said I could pick up the battery at the local store. YEAH. Ginny said she's done this before. Some of the other M-Team have done this before. But this was the first time that
I got to do this before: I got to order from Big Z's Foundation Mall AND pick it up locally!!! In addition, I get to give Big Z a rebate for our emergency purchase!


I admit to having to practice a little bit of patience awaiting the confirmation that I could get back to the store because they said my receipt could take
up to 2 hours and I surely didn't want to leave my car running for that long. In the end, from the time I printed off my purchase to the time I got my email verification, it was about 20 minutes. Not too shabby.

I took my paperwork back to Sears, found my technician, and we set about getting the new battery in the car. The paperwork was pretty easy. I shared the story with the other new fella that was there, but no matter how much I raved about giving my son a rebate, they didn't seem interested in learning more about how they, too, could get rebates from their purchases.

I was happy to get my battery and was outta there and safely home. All told, my little emergency excursion cost me 3 hours and $125 from start to finish.

Is there a lesson in all of this?

Yes. That lesson is, "Shop on your mall!"

Is there another lesson in all of this?

Unfortunately yes: "Turn your lights off when you leave your vehicle, especially for extended periods of time!"

Is there another lesson in this?

Unfortunately, yes. And this is a very important one: Always, always do what you're told to do when you're shopping from your mall. Always, always, look at the magnifying glass
before you place your order so that you know the stores' policies on their rebate payments to you. After all, there's that beautiful little blurb on your home shopping page that says, "First time shopping? Click here to get started". I think I'd read those bits of wisdom so that you can avoid this little learning lesson for yourself!

Alas, I was so excited and harried, that I saw the initial rebate paid into the plan at 4.9%. Having ordered through bigzgivesbig.com, this gave a rebate to the Foundation Mall and to Big Z's Mall, right?


I read the magnifying glass just now, and I have to reiterate: Always read your magifying glass before you purhcase.

Here's my news on my lesson learned on rebates for Sears as of today:

Varying Commission Levels listed below - please note Sears pays their affiliate commissions 120 Days out. Meaning the commission will not show in your commission table until the first of the month following the 120 days.
0% Gift Cards
0% Home Delivery Charges
0% When Item is picked up at store - even when ordered online
0% PA & Installation
1.40% Electronics: Home Office
1.40% Fitness
1.40% Housewares
1.40% Lawn & Garden: Nursery
1.40% Tools
2.80% Apparel: Junior
2.80% Apparel: Sportswear
4.90% Jewelry

Effective 12/28/08, Commission increased on jewelry from 2.8% to 4.9%

I think I need to get Sears a magnifying glass . . . they need to reward their dedicated My Power Mall Shoppers ;-).

Is there another lesson in all this?

Yes! I didn't ask the people that I told if they knew of anyone who would like to earn a rebate for their shopping, too.

Is there another lesson in all this?

Yes. I did well to remember to shop on my son's mall and to tell others about it!

Well, live and (lessons) learned.

Monday, March 23, 2009

T-Day Give-Away Update

Update on our T-Day Give-Away that was scheduled for April 4, 2009, the second Together WE Can Change The World Day:

As of today, my Big Truck has a new owner to appreciate, love and care for it. On March 18's blog post, I told you the story of my Big Truck and making a decision to give it to another friend who would be able to use it. (Read my blog post to catch yourself up if you've not read it yet.)

I told Big Z about my Give-Away after we'd cinched the deal. He was somewhat distressed when I told him. Big Z figured the truck was his, after all, he placed one of his prized stickers on the side of the passenger door when he was a Li'l Preschooler when it was our main source of transportation. He expressed his concern over our truck having a new home and I listened, and explained that the truck wasn't his, even if he put a sticker on it. He seemed to soften somewhat, when he learned that our friends would have it and he would still get to see it, and, perhaps have a ride in it if he wanted. I'm glad he was able to accept my decision to give it away so that it could have a more enriching life experience than it has had recently [I know it's kind of funny to talk of an inanimate object having a more enriching experience . . . but hey, it's "my truck", which is kind of like "my baby" ;-).]

My friend was very happy and her first words out of her mouth when she saw it again was, "Wow! It's better looking than I remember!" She kept checking with me to ensure I was still agreeable to the idea of giving it to her.

Of course I was! I've gotten more and more elated with each passing day knowing my truck now has a new home and new admirer to care for it and who will put it to work with jobs that can utilize its powerful engine and frame.

We transferred paperwork and then shared some tea before the truck left the drive to make a visit to the shop to have a check-up with the truck doctor. Her youngest boy was with her, so he got to sit in the truck and "drive it" and roll the windows up and down, and he got to see the engine, and in the bed under the canopy. Big Z was his size when we got to do a gardening project together --- so it brings back memories ;-).

So, T-Day happened a bit early for us . . . and our Give-Away is a happy one. We hope our truck brings great joy and much good to the land and to my friend and her family. And, when we visit them or see them on the road, we're always going to say, "That's a great lookin' truck!"

We hope that as I became inspired by a friend who gave away her truck (it only took me about a year to get used to the idea) and by the concept of T-Day, that you, too, may have something that is meaningful to you that you are ready to give away to another. A person or organization may need it more than you do, or, they may gain as much joy from it as much as you do. Or, the result of your giving could mean something totally different than either of my previous suggestions. You may be inspired to give away "the unimaginable in your life" only because you took time to consider what it is in your life that is ready to go and be enjoyed by another.

I celebrate! My friend celebrates! We celebrate the gifts of giving and receiving together!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Message from Gordon Owens, MPM Executive Director, Reflections on MPM's 2nd Birthday

I can’t believe it. Our baby, My Power Mall,
is 2 years old. Where has the time gone?
Who knew our family would grow to over
150,000 in 220 countries all around the world?
Babies grow up fast don’t they?

While thinking back over the past year, I can’t help but draw some parallels with my youngest granddaughter, Kate, who’s now 9 months old. I’ve seen her grow and change almost daily. Just now Kate’s beginning to stand holding on to a coffee table or a chair. Soon she’ll be toddling, then walking, then running. As she does this, she’ll occasionally bump her head, or tip over. But she never quits. She gets back up and tries again and again and again until she masters her new skill. It’s really is a wonder to watch.

My Power Mall has been going through similar growth; always changing, we're trying to get better every day. Sometimes we bump our heads too, but we keep at it, never willing to stop or even slow down. Every new company, just like every new baby, goes through growing pains. MPM is no different. With the help and support of the MPM family - all you aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and cousins out there - we’ll continue to grow, getting stronger, getting smarter, getting better in every way.

Happy Birthday My Power Mall. Let’s all make a wish and blow out a virtual candle in celebration of our second birthday together!

But what’s a birthday without a present or two?

I’ll let you in on a little secret - they’re coming. And they’re what many of you have asked for. What do I mean? Over the past couple weeks lots of MPM members have responded to the survey we sent out. We’re treating your comments and suggestions as wishes. It will take us some time to assimilate all your ideas. We’ve taken each and every one to heart, leading us to take a critical look at our business model as well as our web site. Just like you, we want to make My Power Mall an irresistible shopping experience and a business we can all be proud to represent. Our belief, like the belief of many of you, is if My Power Mall makes shopping "so easy even a Caveman can do it," it will help you not only shop and earn rebates for yourself, but also help to build your business. We’ve not only heard you, but we’ve listened when you said some changes in our business/communication model is in order too. We agree.

We’re currently in the process of reviewing all our options. You can expect to find a new, cleaner, faster, easier-to-shop web site. This will take time so I can’t promise you a certain date at this point. I can promise you it will happen. You can also expect to see changes in how we communicate with our members, both new and old. Although we have a vast variety of memberships all over the world with differing technical abilities and shopping needs we’ll make every effort to give you the best shopping and business experience we can. All of this to help you to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others all over the world.

Join us in wishing My Power Mall a Happy Birthday. We’re all in this together - and together we can change the world.

Executive Director
Together We Can Change The World, Inc.

Excerpt from the My Power Mall Update on March 20, 2009. The full Update may be accessed here.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Friday with Friends --- Spring Is Here

This afternoon we stopped by new Baby's home to see his big brother and his Mom, and maybe even his Dad, to see if we could do anything for him. Being just 5 days old requires a lot of assistance from the team and we figured Mom was tired out ;-).

Mom and Big Brother were there and Dad had gone to work. Baby had been trying to figure out the nursing and new milk end of things, so, a lactation specialist was on her way just after we arrived.

What a cherub this little person is! Darling. Incredibly handsome, and Big Brother is so proud. And, he was glad to have Big Z there 'cause that meant they could avoid the meeting about milk ;-).

Big Z helped his friend with Legos and I gave Mom encouragement before the specialist arrived. Once they got underway, I got into the kitchen and helped get soup for Big Brother and then did up the dishes, got the dishwasher going, cleaned sinks and stove-tops. Then came having the boys compost and recycle since they were headed outside for a few minutes anyhow. Checked goatie's water and it was good, as was the doggie's. Cleaned the kitty box. Later put dishes away from dishwasher and got matzoh ball soup into the bowls (thanks to another set of parent's from Big Z's school).

Afterwards, I was the most blessed one to hold the new Little Cherub in my arms while Mom had some phone calling to do. It was during this time that Big Z's dad came to get him for soccer practice, so, Big Z bid Baby adieu with soft sweet kisses to his head, and the hopes that he will get to visit Baby again very soon.

Dad came home and held Baby for awhile, and that gave time for the doggie to get her fill of lovin' until it was time for Baby to eat again ;-). All went well with the specialist and the encouragement and affirmation was enough for Mom and Baby to begin gulp sessions. So, let the feeding begin!

While they were successfully nursing, the cat found his way to my chair and received his own bit of lovin'; and I learned that the transition has been the most difficult for him. But, he didn't hang around as long as he usually does for his t.l.c.

Afterwards, I was again blessed to hold Baby. Oh, what a miracle is a newborn baby. I felt the Reconnective Healing energies swirling around us and I was moved to tears more than once in thanksgiving over this healthy young boy, and the strength of his Mommy, and the beauty of his family.

Dad and Big Brother folded clothes and got ready for their own soccer practice and left. Minutes slipped into hours as Mom and I visited about her experience, about Baby, and about our sons and the new adjustments she and her family are making now that Baby is finally here. Before we knew it, it was feeding time again, for everyone! Dad and Big Brother came home and I ladled soup for all of them before coming home myself.


May you have a healthy and wholesome labor, and may your baby girl be as healthy as can be when she joins you in a few weeks; and may you have great strength during and after your labor, and may have an ease with milk and a quick return of energy. May your little boy be the best little Big Brother that helps his Mommy with delight. And, may Daddy cherish each second and support you all like only a Dad can. Know that I'll be thinking of you and holding you in my thoughts and prayers . . . and will be mentally helping you, too --- fix meals, do dishes, clean up toys, etc. You name it and in your mind, know that I'll be there supporting you most of all ;-).

Rain pounded down after Big Z left for his practice . . . and it kept pelting the countryside. But as the afternoon wore on on this first day of Spring, an afternoon glow of the most beautiful sunlight swept the hillside behind our friend's home and I was delighted, nourished and strengthened by the gifts given and received this day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Power Mall is 2 Years Old Today!!!!

Happy Birthday to My Power Mall Corporate and to MPM Members all around the Globe!!!

When I hear that most start-ups fail in their first five years and then I take a look at My Power Mall and its growth in the last two years as a new division of Together We Can Change The World, Inc., I have to smile because I feel that MPM is here to stay.

As a company, we've already faced numerous challenges and met them head on and become stronger for them. The management team has only become closer as a "family" team (Together Everyone Achieves More) and they are working as an engine more finely tuned with each passing year. Each management team member is getting better and better at using their skills to help shape MPM within the team vision as they lead the company forward. The power of Together WE CAN Change the World is reaching out into My Power Mall like never before, especially with the launch of T-Day (Together We Can Change The World Day) March 7, 2009.

Many, many changes have occurred since March 19, 2007, and many of them have improved and enhanced MPM in incredible ways. Some days when I look back on the changes and improvements, I just have to say, "Wow! This just keeps getting better and better." Yes, these changes do require a flexibility on the part of the members and management team, but all of us would do best to celebrate them and be happy for them because it means that we strive for C-A-N-I (Anthony Robbin's acronym) : "Constant and Never-ending Improvement" --- MPM will never settle with what is okay, or mediocre, or satisfactory, but will always seek to be better, to become more.

It feels as if in the next three years an even more massive foundation will be built upon these last two years of My Power Mall's growth. MPM will sit as a huge iceberg floating upon a vast ocean with only its small white icy top sticking out of the water, and invisible to the naked eye, its huge foundation sinks deep into the blue depths, and its mass spreads wide beneath the ocean's surface, keeping it stable and powerfully afloat in calm seas and tumultuous seas.

I'm grateful to Ginny Dye, and to the Founding Members, and to the Management Team, who have carried the vision of Together We Can Change The World from its humble, yet powerful mind-thought, out into the world to become a reality.

It is sure to be an incredible ride for me and my son in the next three years, as we cement our own vision with the vision of MPM and TWCCTW, Inc. How grateful I am for this opportunity to effect positive change in our lives and in the lives of those we care for, and for each and every person we meet along the way that is captivated by the vision of our company and inspired to their own greatness through their affiliation with us.

This day marks a new dawn for us. It crept up surprisingly fast, too. From the moment Big Z's Enterprise was born in late June 2007, we were not able to choose at that time to grow my son's business. It wasn't until this November, 2008, that we seriously decided to commit to integrating MPM into our lives since it seemed the gift we'd been asking for, but kept brushing off in favor of gaining employment. When employment didn't happen (and it's ok) , and the thought of "Can we really grow this business?" coincided with the Boot Camp program, it just seemed like the right time to say, "Yes!" to MPM and what it could offer our family. Now that we found our place within the team and Boot Camp is done, it is time to recreate our plan and set in motion our own foundation's growth for a lasting and powerful team, starting with the growth of Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall.

Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall
gives 100% of its earnings to effect good in the world and to help support the One-Child-At-A-Time-Program. Please click the link to learn more and how you can become involved in your own life-enriching home business. Click here.

Thank you.

And, Happy Birthday My Power Mall!

***image credits: Ralph A. Clevenger, 1999, a digital composite of four different images; "The Essences of Imagination" marketed by "Successories", www.successories.com.