Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13 -------Miracle Team Turns Boot Camp

Well, we're beginning another g'round of Boot Camp, this time as active participants in the World Changer Miracle Boot Camp.


We have many contacts in our pipeline from our Lead Team Calling Program AND from our Miracle Team efforts. We have stayed so focused and diligent as Team Captain for Miracle Team AND for our own business growth. It's been very rewarding.

Now we step into another phase, carrying all our efforts with us as a foundation for Miracle Boot Camp.

We have a new blog to reflect our Boot Camp efforts.

It is found at

Thanks for following along; and thank you for your support and encouragement!

It means a great deal to us!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7 ----- Our World Changer Lives Are Busy!

We've been so busy that we're finding it's been a challenge to keep up on our blog posts ;-).

Know that we are working diligently on our business growth ---

Miracle Team begins . . .

and we are taking action . . .

and leading . . .

We are still here ;-), celebrating our opportunity !

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Be Inspired ---Eleanor Benz at 90

You're never too old to live out your dreams . . . Read this inspirational story from the Chicago Sun Times ;-).

Remember to keep dreaming, for one day, your dream will come true.

Hooray for Eleanor! Hooray!

73 years, 15 kids later, Eleanor is a high school grad :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moving Forward -----Day 47 and T-Day Project

T-Day Project Day today, but before we headed out of the house, our 25 leads needed to get their emails . . .

So, created and sent all 25 emails to our leads, personalizing each one, and ensuring all the links were working. It felt like a huge accomplishment, and I admit, I wanted to stay home to make the calls to the ones we found numbers to . . . however, T-Day Projects must go on!

And, so we had our meal and out the door we went to our friend's house.

We found the neighbors had already arrived. The Mom was helping our friend, T attempt to hang a new door to the shed. The kids were running around with Popsicles in their hands. Big Z's friend, P, was in the house waiting for him with Pokemon strategies. Over the next 6 hours we had a lot of fun together, sharing the efforts and visiting all the while.

The kids never did help, but they came once or twice to take a gander at what we were up to. The boys even got clever and locked the new shed door on us . . . yep, clever alright!

The day was beautiful and warm . . . we found the tools by rummaging in the garage when the hubby wasn't home, and when he was home, my friend used her cell to get the most of the supplies we needed.

She'd already gone to the store to buy a new door from a recycled products store, and, had gotten her fencing and T-posts.

As I said, the Gals were attempting to hang the door. I saw the hinges just weren't going to match up, so we worked with all the wrong tools to find one that would at least attempt to be a chisel (Yes, I should've brought mine!). Well, we finally did it with a utility knife and a screwdriver. Once the hinges were remarked and set up, we got that door hung and adjusted. We decided to take up the threshold rubber that was causing it to bind. The whole structure is a bit lopsided, but the door closed!

While I was finishing up the hinge locations, the Gals were taking off the old, old doorknob off the weathered door and so I put it on the new door. You know, you gotta put it on backwards just once, just so you can take it off and do it again as a teaching tool for those who are watching, right?

Well, that's just what I did. Put on, take off, put on correctly!

We had to adjust the striker plate to accommodate the new door and we rigged it like any old good carpenter would do . . .

And, it's a good thing I showed my friend how you can take off the outside door stops and ease the binding on the door (it was pretty weathered, too). 'Cause when those boys came around and got to playing inside the new little chicken house, they decided to lock that door handle on their way out and slam it shut!


Yep, you heard it here. I thought there was going to be a rash of red hides --- you know, you don't think of that when you're building a chicken fortress. Instead, you think of feather's flyin'. Well, Mom went after the two culprits (thankfully Big Z wasn't one of them) and finally her boy confessed, "Well, I may have locked it without thinking . . . " and he apologized in case it was him. She forgave him. And I set about getting inside . . .

Well, I won't tell you how in case you ever want to attempt to break into a chicken fortress. Just suffice it to say we got the door open without damaging our rickety striker plate rigging, and, without busting up the new recycled door!!! (Oh, yeah, I already gave you a hint above.) My friend was pretty happy, I say!

We used some old chicken wire after our strategy's for the best ways to provide shade, grass, and sun to the chickens when they aren't in their fortress at night. We put that chicken wire doubled over onto itself around the base of the shed to keep the hens from getting under it and finding a comfortable spot to rest their eggs. And, to hopefully, keep the other critters out . . .

Then, we estimated distances and corners and tree branches to ensure we met the amount of wire and posts she'd picked up, and to keep the 'coons from dropping over the limbs and into the fenced area for the Girls (that's the hens).

We got right to work, again with the most proper tool for the job. Hey! You know, a huge splitting maul found in the garage does the trick every time!

Our friend's neighbor was in and out of the project throughout the day and she came back in time to pound a few posts with us, and to stretch some fencing and tie it up. I say, whoever came up with the idea for pliers is my hero! We found some and they worked great for adjusting the metal clips that were supposed to securely fasten the fencing to the t-posts . . . they were too big and we had to wrestle them down for a more snug fit.

Then, there was a couple of huge holes at the top of the ridge of the shed, and my friend wanted to secure it. So, her neighbor brought back some different wire and my friend stapled it over the holes for good measure.

Next, we thought perhaps we could make a gate for the fence that we'd left open for entry with some old lumber under the shed. Nope, we found nails, slugs, dirt, spiders nests, and any other manner of stuff there, but not the kind of wood we needed. So, we estimated some 1/4's and lengths and my friend wrote them down for her next visit to the lumber store, along with added protection for the door against varmints, and a fastener for the gate.

By this time, the sun was falling to the sea, and bed-time on a school night was calling for us all to call it an evening. So, we cleaned up shop and said our good-byes. Our friend was so happy for the help. We'll go back again and help her hang some netting for the aviary crew who may like to prey upon the hens, and see what else we can do to assist the progress of keeping the Gals happy, healthy and protected!

We we arrived home for dinner, I found a note in our email account asking us to partake in a pre- Miracle Team Group. Of course, we said, "YES!"

'Night All

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moving Forward -----Day 46

What a glorious Saturday with weather and all . . .

Today I sent and email invitation to our new team member inviting him to join the Miracle Team.

I wrote out some thank you cards to special people who have given me gifts of their time, creativity and services recently. That always feels good.

I posted my T-Day project for tomorrow, early . . . due to the fact that my friend and I failed to remember we had an extra weekend in May! Big Z and I will go help friends put together a chicken fortress . . .

Our friends have recently decided to raise 3 chickens. Their neighbor did the same. Thus far, our friends' girls are growing and thriving; the neighbor's, unfortunately, have not survived three separate predator attacks. Our friend wants to ensure her hens stay safe.

Big Z and I will go join our friends for a bit of fun by putting up fence, and predator-proofing a garden shed that will turn into the chicken house --- aah, make that fortress. We will also add creative amenities for the chickens . . . Big Z and his two friends (and maybe their neighbor's two children) will likely float in and out of the project and have a lot of adventure and play.


I received an update that leads for the special email campaign volunteers were ready to be delivered, so I accepted my first batch of 25 unexpectedly. I emailed some clarifying questions back regarding the leads and the process being used by Corporate, so that as we contact the leads, we can be duplicating a system that is already in place and having results.

I got a message from Rose on Customer Service about the T-Day post so I called Andrea to update her on the info . . . I got to meet her husband, Jim, who was very kind in helping in the moment.

My afternoon was lovely, spent with a friend biking around town in the warmth of the sunshine. It was positively delightful and nourishing. So many people were out on their bikes and on the trails. The sun has definitely brought us out of our homes!

When I got back, I spent time catching up on Susan Boyle's latest performance on Britain's Got Talent while I ate my late lunch. She has an amazing voice, for sure. I am so inspired by her courage to live her dreams, in front of the world . . .

Whether you won the Britain's Got Talent event of not, Susan, one day, you will sing in front of the Queen. And your new path is now before you, and an amazing time you will have as you step into this dream of yours . . .

I then re-read my information about the new leads and shortly thereafter, Big Z arrived home. I was so glad to see him! He moves between our home and his Dad's place . . . and sometimes the time goes quickly while he's away, and sometimes it feels like an eternity he's away. This time, it felt like an eternity!!!

So, we spent some time in the rocking chair and then he got busy with an activity while I started dinner. After we ate, we watched a movie together, while he was still busy with a creative project. I got busy looking up phone numbers for our new leads . . .

And, then, bedtime, fairly early ;-). It seems to be getting later and later . . . Is it the longer days of sunshine or the additional projects??? Hmm. Maybe a little of both!

Sleep well everyone!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Moving Forward ---Day 45

It's been a glorious day with fantastic weather that makes our hearts sing!!! We hopped on our bikes for a lovely ride to Big Z's school and felt the warmer air tickle our skin and we smiled. Big Z was the first biking student to arrive, which gave him a great feeling.

I made a scheduled F/U call to one of our World Changer hopefuls: She wasn't in, so left a VM.

I downloaded our inactive member list and sent personalized emails to them regarding the stimulus package. I placed them in an Excel file and sought out their addresses and phone numbers.

I read over the Stimulus Package letter that was sent by the "Fabulous Fifty" to all members and read more about the Ugandan Solar Oven Project. We've yet to hear much about this program. But, I'm sure we will hear more and more about it as Together We Can Change The World, Inc., has formed an alliance, and The Ugandan Solar Oven Project will be fund raising for the program through their own f'ree NPO World Changer Mall. To learn more about this new program, visit their blog:

And here's the blurb from Ginny:

The Ugandan American Global Initiatives solar oven project has two principal goals:

We are sending Sun Oven© solar ovens to Uganda. At this time, there are approximately 1,000 ovens in the country, and our goal is to send at least 10,000 ovens.

We are building a solar oven factory in Uganda. The factory will be located in the industrial park section of Kampala. It will be only the second solar oven factory on the continent, and the very first solar oven factory in sub-Saharan Africa. Here are some of the benefits of building the factory:

*Increase employment opportunities for Ugandans
*Lower the price of each oven so more families can obtain one
*Bring useful technology to the area

The Ugandan American Global Initiatives is going to raise $50,000 to build the factory. At the present time, an acre of land for the factory has already been granted by the government. Our focus is on sending containers to Uganda to bring the necessary tools to Uganda to outfit the factory.

To learn more about this, just visit their website:

It's very inspiring to read about this project, and it will be delightful to read about more and more Non-Profit Organizations that will be helped as Together We Can Change The World's vision to use commerce to change people's lives and to pour money into charitable organizations around the globe, helping make a positive impact around the world.

I also read the Update for today and applied for the Miracle Team. I'm excited! I called my Earth Angel team to alert them and was happy to hear they are considering the team for themselves, too. This will mean that I extend my "Boot Camp" by a lot more days . . . by another 60 days! ;-)

I gave a F/U call to another hopeful as a WC, but she still is having computer issues, and, yet we had a good conversation about her immediate and long range goals. I will call her again next week.

I filled out my merchandise certificate online and went through the process of activating the certificate for June. I am excited about this program, too ;-).

I had another follow-up call with a contact that was due to have surgery. He got an infection and his surgery was postponed. I caught him at a bad time, but, he and I will connect again. He will watch the online presentation and we'll get back in touch by Tuesday. He's looking for a legitimate way to earn extra money from home. I sent him an email with all the information so that he can view how the New Economic Stimulus Program can assist him.

If you'd like to learn how you, too, can take advantage of this program, just go to Big Z's Foundation Mall at

I had another good evening bike ride in the delightful summer-like air, and I was happy to see all the new blossoms on the bushes and berries. There is a lot of fluff in the air from the trees. It was amazing. It's lovely to have summer 'round the bend . . .

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 44

Today was a great day, but I'll admit I felt a bit worn out after the last two days' efforts ;-). In spite of feeling tired, I hopped on my bike for a loop way out of my way to the post office. I knew it was important to get out and enjoy the sunshine and the strange warmth, and to exercise my lungs and legs after sitting for so many hours at my desk. Let me say this: It was well worth it! I had lovely excursion.

When I arrived home, I watered our few potted trees, roses, and tomato and basil plants, and some flowers. I admired the roses that are just now starting to show life after I thought the winter may have taken its toll. One had shoots that are sprouting forth in multiple places; the other I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. These roses are special since they came from my grandmother's roses ~~~ childhood memories.

I had a good catch-up call with a team mate this morning.

I called and left a few messages with another team member and my sister.

I verified all incoming mail today and made sure it was nothing that needed to be reported for the email campaign and gave an update to our fantastic Administrative Assistant, Susan.

I sent emails to our team members regarding the stimulus package. I sent emails to some of our team members using e-cards. I sent additional info to Kevin regarding our conversation last evening.

I spoke to my sister who is an MPM member and celebrated a purchase she made for her health: a bicycle!!! I shared with her about the certificates and verified if she had received her email the other day about the stimulus plan and Costco shopping. She hadn't received it, so I went back into my account and sent it to her again so it was handy.

I shared an email exchange with Marilyn over the commission payments we've been working on for my son's mall.

With my late lunch after 2 p.m., with a lure to the sunshine, I sat on the deck. Eventually I was prone, enjoying the quiet of the day, mixed with sounds from the birds fluttering by, and enjoying the beauty of the trees in bloom and a view of the hillside with the mountains behind it. Though there is a section of the mountain with a new clear cut, I kept my eye on the larger beauty I beheld. The blue sky, the darker colors of the mountains, the lighter green in the foreground, the fluttering of the starlings in and out of view. I didn't want to move!

However, Big Z's day at school was done. So, I hopped on my bike and went to collect him. Today we took a diversionary trip home and landed at a friend's house. We found them in the back yard on a blanket under a bright rainbow umbrella with a book, drinks, the phone, etc.

The youngest friend of ours has had chicken pox all week and between her ailment and our warmest day, she was very quiet and dreamy near her Mama. Big sister, who had the pox previously, arrived home from school. We spent a few delicious hours there in the warm sun, and enjoying each other's company.

Big Z and Big Sister climbed in a cedar tree and went adventuring in a huge yard of a neighbor who has wanted to create a communal space. This yard is incredible, with a lot of space and nooks and crannies filled with delight, including 6 new chickens who are in their brand new and spectacular home that was built by Dad. We got to water the lil' gals, filling up their 5 gallon bucket to the brim.

Before we knew it our clocks said past 6! So, we hopped on our bikes and slowly meandered our way home . . .

I found a call from Kevin and so I returned his call as we got dinner on. Kevin has spoken with some of his family and exchanged contact information with them regarding MPM. And, he's read the first section of the Power Bites. Go, Kevin! Go!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

TWCCTW Day ----Day 43

Another "whoo-eee" day!

I wanted to complete the email campaign in 2 days and did! Just fired off my reports and I'm glad to say I've achieved my goal!

A long bath will ensue ;-).


Along with the email campaign, we had a wonderful Blog Talk Radio show tonight. We had a number of guests, and it was wonderful to have our new business partner, Kevin, meet Jacki, our host and Director of Marketing for TWCCTW.

Jacki asked Kevin what his why was . . . What was it that attracted him to our company?

Kevin didn't say too much on the call, but he did say that he has goals and dreams, and that our company would help him achieve them.

He called me after our radio show. He was still flushed from being on the call ~~~ and yes, that is so ~~~ we all get a bit out of our comfort zones when we consider growing our businesses and making a difference in the world.

I followed up with Jacki's query to Kevin because knowing our why, the reason we wake up each day and take the steps necessary to achieve our goals, is very important.

Well, Kevin surprised me with his answer. He trusted in me to tell me the full story of a 20 year journey for him. His story is very touching, inspiring and powerful. He will consider writing something about it, and I will ask him to share a bit on another radio show.

I'm impressed by what he has done, and inspired by his determination and dedication to his cause. His story tells, in a most humble way, how one person's life can make such a huge difference, and how seemingly insignificant actions produce powerful results.

I will let him tell you more, but for now, suffice it to say that Kevin has a Together We Can Change The World Spirit. His efforts have provided incredible enrichment for others, and his gifts are being brought back to him, in full circle. Even as Kevin gives, he's learning how to Receive.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

TWCCTW Day ----Day 42


What an amazing day I had working on the Email Campaign to our Valuable Members, past and present ;-). (*Note: TWCCTW stands for Together We Can Change The World!)

I got to experience first hand the challenge of getting an email delivered!

7 hours later, I believe I've cracked the code on how I can make the next two days go much, much easier. Hey! I've excelled so far in my advancement of skills that I may just tackle both days in one!

The day began for Live Chat Operator time this morning for a few hours. It was a pretty quiet time with members. During that time, had a training check-in with Jacki, and a few visits regarding Big Z with his Dad. His tonsils are still swollen, however, he doesn't evidence being ill otherwise.

So, Big Z's Dad got Big Z to the doctor's and he was seen by a Nurse Practitioner. She said he's got a low-grade virus, but that all is okay: drink lots of water and rest, rest, rest. He's chipper as can be and played all afternoon outside.

The Coaching Call with Jacki was a good one. I got to flesh out our progress towards our 60 day goals and catch up on some of the lessons we are learning.

Jacki graciously reminded me that the Boot Campers actually put in 90 days by the time it was all said and done. I do remember, however, that we had a good long break around Christmas in the midst of that 90 days ;-). Regardless, it may just turn out that we have our own 90 days.


Because that's is a most valuable chunk of time to set goals--- in a cycle of a quarter. However, we knew that a milestone would be making it to the end of the school year. Now that we are on Day 42, we have our progress report from last Friday.

Our goal is 15 new members for Big Z Gives Big by June 13, 2009. On this day, Big Z has a piano recital smack-dab in the middle of the day, and you can bet I'll be there!

We have 4 members on our team thus far. Therefore, we're doing pretty good. So, as we near the first goal line of June 13 and consider tacking on another 30 days, well, then, we may just have to increase our number for new members.

After all, the contest released today for World Changers is pretty incredible. I s'pose, if Edy's of the mind to do it, we'll challenge her to a World Changer Race . . . Now, by far, she's fantastic with leads, with training, with support, with a firm hand, and she cares about the success of her members; she's very skilled. We have much to learn from her, and yet, we can stretch and have a little friendly competition ;-). She has 18 World Changers. So, guess we need to be working on that 20 plus!

That said, I didn't do anything for our business today, and didn't have any follow-ups scheduled. Tomorrow, I know that I will accomplish more towards our goals.

The learning curve for the day has been tough. But a good night's rest and using the tools and knowledge I gained today will shorten the load tomorrow for the TWCCTW Email Campaign.

It's a pleasure to read the various email addresses that have been used by folks. What strikes me most of all is the amount of hope in those addresses --- hope of health, wealth, success, spirit, giving, growth and so many other concepts are held in them. Even celebration. One was in relation to someone graduating. I am heartened knowing that I touched 1000 lives today, and having done so, will remind them of the hope they carried in their hearts when they decided to become a My Power Mall Member, an Ambassador for the Spirit of Change with Together We Can Change The World.


Well, then, check us out and create your own hope-filled email address and get to work learning, growing, and building your own spirited team:

Right here. Right now. Decide for yourself, that Together We Can Change The World!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day ----Day 41----A Day of Remembrance

Thank you to all who have served our great country.

Today I watched some news clips of our veterans who have been wounded in war, who have died in war, and who have reported war and been wounded, and those who have raised awareness about the needs of our troops and their loved ones. They were touching stories, all.

Somehow, my simple thank you feels a bit inadequate. But as I am a veteran myself, I understand the depth of my thanks, and, I am grateful for the dedicated military men and women who serve our country. I support our troops, and hope that one day, war will not have to be known by generations and generations of people in America, and around the globe. I hope for peace, and an ever-increasing acceptance of each others' myriad beliefs, lifestyles, and views. We are all different, and yet all the same.

We took a bike ride today, a short one, but a powerful one that gave us a real uphill and downhill experience. FUN! We went on a trail that we hadn't visited since Big Z was only 2. He didn't remember it, of course. Since that time long ago, a portion of the trail has been renovated as the upper portion of the hillside will accommodate more houses . . . We had a great time.

Big Z attended a basket ball game with his dad at the local community college and he had a great time.

We had homemade strawberry shortcake with gluten free muffins . . . MmmmmMmmm and sweetened with a blend of alternative sweeteners, like brown rice syrup, agave nectar, maple syrup and stevia extract. Each portion of our treat had a different sweetener. It was down-right delicious!

I watched an interview today with Gloria Loring. She told a story about how she had a dream for a fund raising cookbook for the Diabetes Foundation, and how she needed funds to be able to print the cookbooks to give in exchange for a donation ~~~ she'd hoped to print 50K cookbooks. She'd attempted to find ways to raise funds to print the books for 10 months. Then one day, in her dressing room, as she left for a trip to another state, she found a card under her belongings.

The card said, "Expect a Miracle!" It had not been there the morning she placed her belongings in her dressing room. She hadn't shared the room with anyone that day, and to her knowledge, no one had come into the room. As she moved to toss it in the trash, it wouldn't let go of her, so she threw it into her bag and was off.

The following evening, she met a man. He was a powerful businessman. She got the niggle to tell him about her plan to raise money for the Diabetes Foundation with the cookbooks. He thought it was a great idea. He asked her how much she needed. She said, "About $40 thousand dollars."

He replied, "Great! I'll give you $10 thousand right now. Let's go to the lobby. I know a lot of people there, and well, it's Texas!"

She ended up leaving that evening with her pockets stuffed full of checks for her project.

She recapped her experience as one of Intention, or having an idea. Then, telling everyone about it because each person has a large sphere of influence. Then, to start your project as if you already have everything you need to complete it.

1) Impulse.
2) Intention.
3) Investment.

It was an inspirational interview.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 40 Memorial Day Weekend

Shop Smart -- Give BIG!

"I work for a company where Shop Smart – Give Big is their motto. Together We Can Change the World has an Internet shopping mall called My Power Mall, where a percentage of every dollar I spend comes back to me and some supports Non Profit Causes all around the world at the same time. I buy a pair of shoes and I get a double reward: some cash comes back to me and some goes to help feed hungry kids in Uganda. Shop Smart – Give Big, that’s what I do."

How would you like doing something like that, too?

Check us out at Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall


Today I spent some time looking around on the net for systems that may be similar to the one we've been testing. I also read up about other tools that may be helpful as we grow our business, so I wrote a small list on my notes. I sent a sample of a system to our Director of Marketing for review.

I gave my appointed F/U call to my contact and no answer. Left a VM.

I downloaded all information for the email campaign this week and ensured all was in order. Sent an email to ask a few questions. And, I created some templates for the results of the daily contacts.

Today, more or less, was a day off. Big Z has rejoined me this evening and we've played keyboard, spoken with my brother and my niece. He's talked to a friend. We're going to watch a movie tonight. I'm looking forward to quality time.

Today, as the weekend moves fully into Memorial Day, I think upon my family that I know that has served in the military ~~~

My first cousin served in the Army, and died a few years ago unexpectedly.
My great, great grandpa was killed in the war.
My great uncle was killed in the war.
My uncle who married my grandpa's sister, was in service.
I've had other cousins in the service.
My Grandfather in WWII in the Navy. He's still with us.
My Grandpa's brother, was in the Army. He is still with us.
My Great Grandfather, Grandpa's Dad, in WWI. He served in the Army. He lived many years after.
My step-Dad was in the Navy. He died this last Christmas season.
I served in Desert Storm, stateside. Air Force.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 39--- Memorial Day Weekend

My day began with my lead calling shift, the last one for the lead calling team.

10 new leads
VM 6
2 connects
2 bad phones
10 email sent

9 Follow-up calls for VM #2
7 VM
1 connect. Do Not Call request. He's 15 and not sure how the survey was filled out, figured it was his sister ;-).
9 Emails sent.

The amount of bad emails this week is few: only 3.

I downloaded all the lead information into separate folders to have handy, and all is in .csv files for easy upload into another system, or, to refer to on my computer.

Here are the stats for the calls:

71 people in folder that is a mix of first VM messages left, people I've not reached yet, some I've reached who I have a prospect info sheet on either for business, interview, or rebates.
4 people in shopping folder, i.e. they only want info about rebates on the shopping they do.
1 contact was deleted in the beginning who hung up on me after we spoke.
19 are in a folder that I've left 2 VM and never reached yet.
13 are in a folder that I have left 3 VM and have never reached yet.
16 are in a Do Not Call Folder, either they don't want to be contacted at all, or, I may send only email.
55 are in a Bad Number or Wrong Number file
Total Contacts:180

12 contacts were real-time Peak Impact leads.

Total Interviews: 9

2 continuing to follow-up with who are seriously interesting in being WC. I've called 1 of them 7 times; the other 5 times.

1 who doesn't have a computer I have not been able to reach after her interview: 7 times. Have left ad not left messages with her family.

1 who doesn't have high-speed Internet and viewed the written version of the presentation. I've called her 5 times, all but the last one a connect.

1 who wished to share the presentations with her family. I got her earlier this week and she was ill. I've called her 5 times, including today, no message left.

2 people I've interviewed have viewed info. 1 was underage; 1 decided it wasn't the way she wanted to supplement her retirement.

1 interview I reached today and will call again tomorrow. She has had hectic times since we last spoke and hasn't gotten to view the info. She's the mom of 5 teens. Can you imagine? Therefore, we'll look forward to our call with her tomorrow.

1 became a business mall owner.
8 people I've connected who want information, however, I've been unable to reach them or give them the interview.

1 of these 8 I reached today and we'll talk on the 29th after he has surgery that was put off last week.

1 didn't really want the business, but she loved the idea of helping charities through commerce.

1 I never reached for our follow-up apt. and since then her number was disconnected. Taking the advice from someone else, I've just tried it again and it's still out of service after almost 10 days since my last call.

1 I reached this week I will call again tomorrow since he may not be working.

1 I have not reached since our first call.

1 says keep in touch; now isn't the time for business or saving money with rebates.

1 will get an email from me. I never spoke to the person on the survey, however, I spoke to someone else who said she was her personal secretary. I was hung up on when I called back for the interview, so, it's unlikely they are interested.

1 I reached today who asked me to call back on Monday.
Two of 4 shopper's I've connected with after our initial call: one says nope, not now, but keep in touch; the other says her computer has a glitch and she can't access email. She hopes to be back online using her cell in two weeks. She asked me to call again. The other 2 I will email/call as appropriate this week.

GROWTH : 1 Business Partner Added to Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall

Using the Link Track Information, we've had a click-through by one person with the same IP on two different times to two different links: one to Big Z Gives Big Business site, and one to the TWCCTW song. Another person clicked once to Big Z Gives Big. In the email messages, I placed the link track link along with the original link in the body of the email; the TWCCTW song I placed in the signature line.

When considering if I would click on a recognizable domain name vs. a link track link, I would likely choose the recognizable domain. Therefore, I realize that using link track isn't a full-proof way of tracking how many clicks you get to your site. And, it's only been used in 2 of the 4 weeks of testing the system.

Today I made 4 F/U calls to people I've connected with. It was good to reach so many people in. 2 I wasn't able to reach and did not leave a VM.

I sent 18 emails created with e-card system to the folks I'm following up with.

I took a bike ride with a friend and enjoyed the sunshine along the water. My friend has an electric bike, but she took the motor off for her first excursion of the year on her 1 gear bike. It was a worthy challenge for her ;-). We stopped mid-way through for a snack at a market. The sun has brought our whole community out onto our trails and onto our greens for Frisbees, catch football, lazing around, walking, biking, skateboarding, riding on scooters, jogging. You name it, people are out there being active.

Big Z got to create a crystal radio today with his Dad at a local museum along with a friend.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 38

The sun came splashing through my window this morning and awoke me from my dreams. I got to bed a bit late last night, and so I awoke with a start, wanting to ensure I wasn't late for my lead calling sessions at 0700. Whew! I was relieved as I realized that it's only Summer's Gift of Sunshine that made me think it was far later than I thought. I had plenty of time to spend a few more minutes getting my body and head to agree it was time to get up !

Within five, up I stood and headed off for a hot bath and grabbed a bite before I sat down to get to work. I contemplated how my body would much rather get up early when the day's light shines --- long, dark winters when the light isn't able to filter all through my home gives me far less motivation to throw those covers back and greet the day.

My calling session results today:

10 new leads
5 VM
1 no answer
3 connects, one a message left with another person
1 bad number
10 emails sent

Follow-up Calls with second VM left:
11 VM #2
4 no answers
3 connects
17 emails sent

1 connect is in the process of moving and she didn't request info. She may be open to shopping rebates, so the personal mall may be for her. She figured she and her family wouldn't be settled until late in the summer.

1 connect wasn't interested.

1 connect was a local fella near me and he's in construction. He didn't remember receiving my first VM. Follow-up. Follow-up. We had a brief conversation he agreed he has a busy month ahead with his current work load, but he was encouraged by shopping rebates, and by being able to utilize the f'ree certificates for fuel and groceries, and for merchandise on his construction purchases. I spoke briefly about the personal mall option, however, encouraged him highly to check out the World Changer option for low-cost advertising for his business in the Local Merchant Mall, and to save money with a World Changer even if the growth of his new business would be less of a focus for him during his busy construction time. He said he would view the information tonight when he got home.

The weather is beautiful today, so we got to ride bikes to and from school, giving fresh air and exercise, and quality time together. Big Z is feeling the effects of the efforts we are putting out for our Boot Camp. Any quality time we have together is precious. And though he expressed a bit of discontent, I reminded him of our purpose, and how there will come a time when we can take a week off together ---

" . . . you mean like VACATION?" he queried. Yup. That indeed. Time when we can get away for a FUN trip together, full of play and nourishment. Our trips are usually to see family and it's like still being at home, only we are with them. We still have chores, and cooking and cleaning, etc. A vacation will include a beach, 'cause he's been talking about beaches the last few months. It will include prepared meals. It will include fun and color and serene surroundings. It will include pools to swim in. But then again, backpacking in the out of doors could be pretty great, too!

Today I listened to an interview that was alerted into my email account that I hadn't heard about in advance. I admit I felt like I'd missed a call! However, it was all as it should be --- a surprise! Jacki V. interviewed Edy D. on the the TWCCTW radio show today for 30 minutes. I listened to the show and got to learn from Edy. Thanks Edy! Thanks, Jacki! Your surprise was WONDERFUL!

Today I met with our new team member, Mr. Kevin. He installed his MPM Toolbar and so I taught him about all the cool little features he can utilize on it. We did a training on it and the Communications area for updates, the RSS feed, and the Power Bites. I walked him through adding his Business Mall ID to the toolbar and showed him how easy it is to get to your back office or to shop. Kevin likes to read and explore, and so he's doing so on his own.

Later this evening, he called me back and asked me to remind him how he got to listen to the coaching calls. I showed him where to find the information in his back office, took him to the page, and gave him a run-down on the Blog Talk Radio site. I shared how he could register and how it would be an advantage to him if he did. He was anxious to listen to calls and learn more about who we are. He also asked about using the invitation card templates in the back office to create business cards. Though we've touched upon domain names in our first training, we spoke about it again. Kevin has a goal of bringing his business to the World Changer level in a few weeks.

Today I spoke with one of our new neighbors who creates websites for clients out of his own home. I asked him if he would be willing to collaborate with me on the viral video contest. He is a "yes-man" and found it really challenging to tell me about his efforts to be discretionary with how he uses his time and energy considering he has a lot on his plate as it is. He's working 12 hour days and is hoping to take some time off with his family, which compresses the amount of work he's already given commitments to. I celebrated his commitment with himself, and we spoke about his past life of working on video creation and how much effort it took. I appreciated all the more Lost Marble in the UK ;-). I told him it was okay with me, just an idea. And, that eventually we'd team up on a project.

Tomorrow is the last calling slot I have testing the lead calling system. I admit I'm a bit sad for the time to end . . . It's been a good system and saves time on emailing and on following-up. I am in a hum and rhythm and want to continue. So, continue I will as we head into next week.

I will have a strategic meeting with my coach, Jacki, and come up with a plan. The plan will include signing up for a free trial of the program next week.

I'm on the team of 50 who will be emailing members of MPM after Memorial Day. Therefore, next week will be a hoppin' good time ;-).


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 37

Today began with immediate follow-up calls to contacts who have had interviews, and to a contact who wanted to learn more about gaining rebates on his shopping.

1 F/U. Connect. Computer still down. Buying a house! Will contact next Friday to follow-up on her intention to sign up as a World Changer.

1 F/U. No answer. Tried both phones. Left a VM on cell. This person also wishes to be a World Changer.

1 F/U. Connect. This contact viewed the info and at this present time, this isn't the kind of focus he is looking for. He wants to stay on our email list and be contacted. He agreed that some point in the future his situation or his focus will change and he'd like to stay informed.

System very slow last night and today. Closed computer and rebooted 2 times today to attempt to speed it up or correct some hanging programs ;-).

Today I had a fun project going to our friend's home where the Big Truck now lives. Wow! How wonderful to pull onto the dirt road that faces their property and see the handsome truck! I got to go enjoy the sun and good weather and help my friend, C, take the topper off and unload some lumber and supplies that went with the truck when she received it as a gift. I also got to see Mr. Young D and Mr. Young, L who were both home from school today. The chickens were there, and the doggie is back from having puppies, so she was there, too! And, I even got to see a beautiful hawk. We drove the truck around the property, taking turns with the boys in back and one of us holding onto the toddler! How fun!

When I got home I was just on time to make my calls.

Results for Calling Time:

10 new leads
7 VM
10 emails sent
1 bad number
1 no answer
1 busy signal

Follow-Up Calls on people I have yet to reach:

19 calls
2 VM
1 fax machine
1 do not call
9 Email sent
7 bad numbers
7 no answers
1 busy signal

This evening we had our last Lead Team Call and it was good to hear the response from those who are using the system and to express my gratitude for being on the team.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 36

Today I had a personal meeting downtown. While I was there, Together We Can Change The World came up. I offered an invitation card to the person who met with me. I did not get her full contact information due to the nature of the meeting, but it was a pleasure to plant a seed.

Today Jacki had a request for Tom, Sandy and myself to come up with an explanation about the Earth Angel Program and to get back with her on it. And, I was able to get the three of us on the line to talk about it. I wrote up a description of the program based upon our discussion and sent a copy to Tom and Sandy for review. And though Jacki did discuss this topic on our Coaching Call, we've had some very clear messages to wait on sharing more until the time is right. However, anyone may still contact us before an "official launch"occurs.

Today I created a Free Conference Call account for Big Z's Enterprise and for future team meetings.

For calling time today:

20 new leads
2 connects, 1 message left with family member
7 VM
3 connects, wrong numbers
20 emails sent
3 busy signals
4 bad numbers
1 fax machine

For follow-ups continuing to reach those no answers, busy signals, etc.

10 calls
10 emails sent
1 VM
3 no answer
3 bad numbers
1 fax machine
2 busy number

For follow-ups on the third call made to contacts. I use one VM message for first call, another for the second and for the third. This is the first call I made using the 3rd to those people I have not been able to reach with the first two VM.

18 calls
13 VM
3 connects, one wrong number
18 emails sent

Lead calling was immediately followed by Coaching Call with Jacki. Another interesting idea for growing your business was by making contacts with local swim teams at your local pools with the intention of helping them fund raise to help cover the costs of travel and fees.

I introduced our new business partner, Midwest Enterprises, Kevin from Wisconsin, as he said he would do his best to be on the call. Whether he was there or not, we welcome you again, Kevin, to Big Z's Enterprise Team and to Together We Can Change The World!

Found another great radio show today on Blog Talk Radio and began to listen in:

Julie Casmariu on Heart Beat, "Internet Radio with a Pulse." I can't wait to get back there and listen to the entire show!

Blogging, of course, to other blogs and to ours . . . It is great to see blogger Herbert posting again!

Have a wonderful night everyone.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 35

Tuesday Toes Day 'round here ;-). Happy TTD to you . . .

Early to rise to catch the Live Chat Operator shift for a few hours before taking Big Z to school. However, the boy never awoke . . . turns out he got up late after having a spell of fatigue hit him on Sunday which left him snoring in the recliner for a few hours, and having felt tired after school yesterday, and with a hoarse-sounding throat. Inspection revealed swollen tonsils, so, as his teacher had called in ill herself, we decided to let the young man stay home. He loved this as down days are always fun, especially when it includes reading your favorite books.

After the Live Chat shift it was time for the Coaching Call with Jacki. Tom came on the show to talk about the Earth Angel Program and to catch up with his NPO happenings since his last visit.

Jacki gave an interesting tip about using by posting small business ads. I have used Craigslist to sell items and have seen many people post in the wrong type of ad in the wrong sections. I was surprised to learn there is actually a place to post legitimate opportunities. I will check this out sometime to learn more and become familiar with the specifics.

Quite a busy time using the lead calling system today:

20 new leads
3 connects
3 no answers
17 emails sent
1 do not call
1 fax machine
5 bad numbers

For my follow-up with calls: 12
2 connects; one says call back later in the day; one says no interest
2 no answers
1 wrong number
1 busy signal
1 VM
4 bad numbers
12 emails sent

I did not get a count of bad emails today.

I sent some information to a lead calling member via email that will hopefully save her some time in making her own calls to prospective business partners.

I opened up IE, the browser I have not used in quite some time as FireFox was still holding warnings against the attack on MPM this weekend that had already been carefully attended to by our management and tech team. Through the process of using IE and logging into our back office to follow-up on the payment changes I am addressing with Big Z's account, I checked our members.

I was quite surprised to learn:


Welcome Business Mall Member, Midwest Enterprises and Mr. Kevin!!! We are happy to have you on our team and look forward to working with you as you grow your business.

I gave a call to Kevin to personally welcome him to the team, and to set up a time to get him going on his training. We followed up late in the evening his time, and he showed great dedication and good humor as we went through the back office, ensured his payment information is current, through the shopping site, power bites, Ginny's recordings, etc. Kevin has goals to spend the next few weeks going through his training and the first thing on his list is to Install his My Power Mall Toolbar so that he can keep his eyes on the pulse of the company and receive all communication from Corporate.

I got on the line with my Earth Angel partner, Mr. Tom, and we got Tom following my blog AND got him following a few other blogs by walking him through the process.

F/U call to my connect above. Not there. VM M/L.

I had a call back today with no message left from one of my leads.

A good, long and productive day and now, I wish you all a good night ;-).

Monday, May 18, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 34

Today was a very busy day on the Live Chat Lines. It was great to visit with members of MPM and help them find information, answer questions and get clarification about their malls. It is also wonderful being able to strengthen relationships in the process with my Live Chat Team members. Though not all of us are in contact throughout the week, when we get to greet and give good-byes to each other as we change shifts. When we share our shifts, it gives us an opportunity to visit; and, we're always there to help each other if we need it. Though everyone is incredible, especially incredible are Nita and Maggie, the Director and the Assistant to the Director of Customer Service. They are both always friendly and so willing to help me help others, either by answering a question, or getting the information I request to a member either during my shift or shortly after I've signed off. It's such a pleasure to work with such win-win people.

As our business life has gotten into a rhythmic hum the last few weeks because we are working the plan for achieving our June 13, 2009 goals, I feel immense gratitude for my strength and stamina. Though, yes, at the end of some days I'm quite tired and drained, but overall, I realize that I am pushing beyond my intended amount of scheduled work time for a reason. Determination. By taking extra shifts of calling with our lead calling team, and, by volunteering to do extra projects, I feel as if I'm running a race for Gold!

Each week, there are some extra shifts offered, and knowing that our lead calling system test was for a short duration, it is worth it to me to plow ahead and take advantage of the system while we have it. And, the lead team test will last through this coming weekend. I am again grateful for the opportunity meeting us with fortuitous timing as we stretch for our goals.

Though I am Boot Camping Solo . . . I am not alone. Each and every day I feel the power of my support team cheering me on, whether they are physically present such as my son Big Z, or they are on the phone, on the Internet, or connecting my thought, prayer and well-wishes. I thank you all, for each and every intention of yours to support Big Z and his Mom is received and it is very much a group effort. As so many have provided me feedback in supporting them in Boot Camp, so, too am I supported by you.

Today was the long day . . . Big Z to school, 4 hours of Live Chat, Piano practice, Coaching Call and Family Chat night, and . . . the additional portions of the day that happen in between ;-).

Tonight was fun on the Family Chat because I got to introduce a woman who is seriously looking at MPM and who was hopeful of making the call. She has a true TWCCTW spirit and has an amazing idea for an NPO. I like the concept of introducing the people we speak with to the MPM family whether or not they are members yet.

Also, tonight was interesting because I got to bring some ideas to the table from a fellow MPM-er and Live Chat Operator, Ms. Eleanor Norton (, who had not been able to get on the call. She IM'd me and asked me to pass her info through. This is an example of true team spirit. Eleanor is an incredible person and I've learned so much from her on the Boot Camp Training Calls and from her posts on her blog.

Last week after our show, I got to listen to another show featuring Bruce Lipton on BTR's "No Out There" and met a woman who practices Reconnective Healing, a passion of mine. Tonight I emailed her after the show so we can connect and talk about our experiences. You may learn more about Reconnective Healing on the web at

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Resting Day ----Day 33

Today was devoted to having fun with the boys by having another bike ride, sharing a nice visit with Big Z's friend's Mama. We enjoyed the warmth and the sunshine, and good food. And later in the day, we joined other friends for another picnic like we did on Mother's Day.

Other than that, Big Z did some keyboard, some homework, some reading, and he got a nap while I did some blogging. I wrote out some thank you cards that have been on my list. It was a lovely day. And amazingly, it is over and another new week will greet us after a great night's rest.

Happy wishes to you all for a very wonderful week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 32

Today I had a conversation with a person on the lead calling team, and it was good to visit for the first time.

I had some issues with my browser closing down suddenly, so I rebooted my system. As that seems to take awhile, and I noted that dust had seemed to overtake my desk since its recent cleaning, I decided to make myself useful and clean and dust it while I waited. It's amazing how much dust is generated in a day!

I visited the Member's Forum for a few minutes and looked around. I haven't spent any time in there for a long, long while. I was glad to be able to log in and see that it's been being used by our members . . .

I created a third voice mail in the calling system for when I make my third attempt at reaching a person. It is much simpler than the first two. After this, I will leave the ball in their court.

I filtered through my leads and created a report of all the bad phone numbers or the bad emails to send in. I updated my calling report for this weeks' efforts.

My calls included a F/U with the woman I interviewed yesterday that had computer issues and a storm that blew us off course at our original follow-up time. She still has computer issues, and must get her machine to the shop, however, she did get to view the presentation. She said she's a "Yes! I'm ready to get started!" With that said, there are a few hurdles to get through, such as the computer, and some personal affairs must be set in order. She said she wants to be a part of our company for "giving" and because of our philosophy. She want to give back to her community and she'd be doing it for charities. She's had a lot of time volunteering for the Red Cross. We set an appointment to check in this coming week and see if the computer and her other affairs are in order, and then, we'll get her started. She would like to be a World Changer. I invited her to our Monday night Family Chat and gave her the phone number to call in.

I gave a F/U call to a wonderful woman I interviewed yesterday. She was 72 years young and is looking for something very substantial to supplement her social security. She also has an ailing husband and she's working in a place that provides her housing, but she's very dissatisfied. When I called her back today, she clearly stated that our company wasn't the one she was looking for, and that she wasn't into growing a team. I asked her about shopping and earning rebates. She said she didn't want to save with a personal mall. I thanked her for her time. I will send her a thank you email with a 101 Way e-book.

F/U call with the contact I interviewed but haven't reached yet that was at work. I got her sister-in-law. She said she was there, but then, when she came back, she said she was ill. I expressed my hope she is better soon, left my number again, and that she may call anytime.

Since my sister is doing the Relay for Life, I went to its website and found the page for the event. I spoke with my mother about it, and she hoped to be able to join my sister and her team. Eventually, I found my sister's team page. I cried. She is dedicating her walk to her Dad, and my step-Dad, who passed away in December just before Christmas. She raised the most funds on her team. I called her and left her a VM expressing my feelings to her, and asked if she would walk one time around the track with me . . . or as many as she liked! And, I told her that one day, we should do this walk together.

Big Z had a reasonable reward picked out this week for accomplishing his keyboard practice every day he had scheduled with his teacher. He succeeded and his reward was having a friend sleep over. We spent the late evening on a bike ride with his friend, our neighbor, Big Z, and another neighbor boy. It was a wonderful trip.

We had dinner and the boys played some new Pokemon game that Big Z's Dad had given to him by a person he knew. Must've been their son's at some point. After dinner and as the game resumed and I sat back down to my computer after dishes, I opened up my email and found a surprise message:

"Thank you so much for your submissions for the MPM ebook, 101 Ways to Survive Tough Economic Times! You are one of the five lucky winners of a $500 Retail Merchandise Certificate!"

Wow! What a huge surprise . . . and to think that I almost didn't get our entries typed up and into our Director of Communications by the deadline! I gave a, "Whoop!" and and said, "Big Z, come look at this!"

Big Z came over to my computer as he muttered, "Oh, why do I have to skip out on my game for a few minutes . . ." and he read the words upon my screen. His eyes got all big as he leaned forward to the monitor and he exclaimed, "We won!" and he had the biggest grin on his face. He then added how much he liked his entry into the e-book about how he is a good saver.

Our neighbor asked, "What did you win?" and so we told him. He was very surprised and he celebrated our win saying, "That's really cool!".

How very exciting! I emailed back our Director of Communication and our Director of Mall Promotions as requested, and then I emailed Ginny with a huge thank you and expressed my surprise, my delight and my gratitude!

I believe this is great news to sleep on, providing rich dreams ;-).

'Night all. Sleep tight.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 31

I created an e-card to a contact I spoke with yesterday who didn't get an automated email from the system, but wanted to know how he could gain a rebate back on the purchases he makes all the time.

Today's calling system results:

10 emails sent
5 VM
3 connects and 3 interviews
1 connect, wrong number
1 bad number
1 no answer

I gave a f/u call to the interview. Not in. VM. M/L

I gave a f/u call to another person I interviewed. Computer troubles and a storm happening. Follow-up tomorrow.


For follow-ups:

I called the person that hasn't gotten VM set up. He said right now is a tough time for him, and he has to stay focused. No business right now. No savings on shopping right now. But, keep in contact via phone occasionally, and by email. It's okay to check in every few months.

F/U on person I've interviewed. Live answer. No message Left since I've left messages in the last few days.

Gave a F/U call to the woman who blocked for herself or her friend. Still no answer. Will send an email.

F/U call with an interview. She's ill and sounding weak. Call again another time when she's well.

F/U with woman who has the written version of presentation. Not in. VM M/L.

F/U with person I've interviewed that I haven't reached yet. Left message with young woman as she was at work. Said I would call again tomorrow.

Did some blogging. I have many follow-up emails to create and send, and I'm finding my days are so full that I'm lagging behind and/or not being coherent enough at the end of the day to continue working.

I had a conversation with my friend who is now a business mall owner regarding our company and what's happening for me. It was a good one ;-).

Even though my eyes were squirreling in my head, I sat down at near the deadline to produce my ideas for the new e-book contest "101 Ways to Survive in Tough Economic Times". I got on the line with Big Z so he could submit his idea. And, I created 3-5 of my own. I didn't write them down, so I don't remember!

I voted on the slogan for MPM . . . Big Z got to last time; tonight Mama got the final say.

Tonight I watched most of the "Farrah Story" even as my eye-lids fell closed a few times. It was a worthwhile show, and I was touched by Farrah's desire to get the word out about cancers that seem to have no chance of cure. I also empathized with her decision to shave her head when her hair began to fall out. She's like my mother, always being known for and identified by her beautiful hair. Thankfully, much as everyone has made comments on my hair, I'm not attached to it being a definition of my worth or my beauty. And, I cried. Though these videos do show much that occurs when a person is facing an illness like cancer; TV and video can not effectively show what it is like for a person who is ill, or give you the real feelings of what it is like. You have to be there yourself, or walking hand-and-hand with a loved one going through it. But, I pray that you never have to know. For Farrah and all who walk this road, I am always amazed by the courage, the dignity and the amazing strength they have.

I learned in a VM from my sister she is going to walk the Relay for Life in my home county this weekend. I've done it before with a friend of mine some years ago now, when Big Z wasn't so big. Oh, how I wish I could walk with her. I know it will be an event that will change her life. And, I am so proud of her for doing it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 30

Today's new calls gave these results:

4 VM
2 no answers
4 bad numbers
1 Message left with wrong person
2 connects, 1 Do Not Call
7 emails sent

For my follow-up calls using the system:

2 no answers
1 connect with 2 people who don't want to have a business; interesting in shopping
3 VM
8 Emails sent
1 connect. Do not call
1 connect, wrong person

Today as I spoke with people who were not interested in a business, a thought from Boot Camp sprang to mind:


So, when they said they were not looking for a business from home, I replied, "That's fine. Thank you for telling me. Would you mind if I asked you one question before I let you go?"

Each were open to the question, so I asked, "Do you get paid on all the shopping you do everyday, like buying groceries, shoes, gasoline for your car, or anything you buy?"

Each one of them said, no. But they were open to learning how they could get paid on all of the shopping they did and so I pointed them to the Personal Mall option at our Foundation Mall, I also scheduled times to follow-up with them, ensuring they were open to my answering any questions they may have after viewing the online presentation.

Aside from using the system for calling, I gave a follow-up call to my long-standing contact and we rescheduled for same time next week. She wants to be a World Changer, but she is having some personal matters being attended to and still must meet with her networking group.

I followed up with a woman I've never been able to reach for the interview. Her cell phone is now no longer working . . . I will contact her via email. This was my 4th attempt to reach her.

I checked my Link Track data and had a viewing. I called SandyW and checked in with her and gave her my strategy using the system and the new link track info.

I attended the coaching call for the Leads Team with Jacki, did some blogging, and got to bed after another long, but wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 29

Today I'd gotten an email about an ink jet sale on our mall, so I forwarded it to a personal mall member first thing.

I called my T-Day Assistant and friend, C, and asked her how she was and updated her on my head. I shaved it on Friday night and Saturday night. It began growing out quite quickly since then. I let her know it was like a scouring pad and if you put me upside down, you'd surely get all your pots and pans clean! I also asked what her time frame might be on pictures . . . they are locked into her camera . . . and I learned . . . It's quite an ordeal to get them off of it! But, she said she would do her best to get to it.

Today I read a story in a newsletter I receive far too often, and it was about a butterfly and by an unknown author. It was so much like our own SBIY story by one of our writers, Suess, about Lane and the Moth, that I forwarded the newsletter to her for fun.

I made a follow-up call on my contact who was going to read the written presentation. She wasn't in so I left her a VM.

I made other follow-up calls to contacts I have interviewed, but found 2 of them not in, so left VM.

I tried to reach a contact for an interview, but his voice mail box is not set up.

I gave a call to fellow Boot Camper, SandyW, and we talked about how she's doing with the calling system. She reminded me of using a tracking system to see how many clicks you get to your site. I created a f'ree account and began my session of calling for the day. It's called Link Track Info.

My results included:

4 VM
1 connect; do not call
1 connect
1 fax
3 bad numbers
8 emails sent

I also had a bit of extra time to test the system on me with my new emails.

This evening, for coaching call, Jacki was not feeling well, and we were delightfully surprised by our Chief Operations Officer, Jean Lachowicz, as host of our show.

I asked Jean to give us her best marketing tip after her experience of being involved in the NPO world for years, being on the Boot Camp team, being the Together We Can Change The World Day Director, and most recently taking the helm as COO. She offered, that from her perspective, the best way we can all move forward in our marketing is to employ the use of social networks, such as Face Book. It was a fun and informative call.

I sent an email to a team member about the WC Upgrade offer.

I created and sent a F/U email to the contact that I couldn't reach after our interview yesterday.

I sent an email to Jean giving her Kudos on the coaching call ;-). Thanks, Jean!

I listened to a Blog Talk Radio show hosted by No Out There that featured an interview with Bruce Lipton while multi-tasking, blog posting, etc. It was a fascinating show, and my first time to post to the chat line, have comments given back to me by other listeners and the host of the show, and to connect with a person across the country that also does Reconnective Healing work.

I also learned about a medium called

At the end of the radio show, I asked to be added as a friend to the host of the show and the woman who did RH.

For a bit of leisure reading after a hot bath, I tuned into a book I purchased a few weeks ago with our Barnes and Noble Gift Card on our Mall--- Twitter Power by Joel Comm. I admit, it's a whole new frontier out there in social networking lands . . .


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Moving Forward -----Day 28

Today is my early shift for Live Chat and lasts 2 hours, 0700 start time.

Once I get Big Z to school, I have just enough time, usually, to run and errand and go to the USPS before I come back for our Tuesday Coaching Call with Jacki. Our call was short today, only about 20 minutes. Jacki has been consistently giving a "coaching tip of the day" that make listening to all the coaching calls worthwhile, especially if you don't catch them when they are happening live.

With the calling program today, I created some emails that would be tailored to me instead of using the ones provided by the system. I added and deleted info based upon the system's template and copied and pasted them to notepad documents on my system. I also saved copies of them in the system, so that when I make my calls, I can use a drop-down menu to have them sent immediately after I leave someone a voice mail message.

Today I made my new calls and got to send them the new messages I created that I mentioned above.

1 no answer
4 VM message left
9 Emails sent
4 Bad numbers
1 connect and interview
1 bad email address

I volunteered for the Email Campaign asking for 50 members to help contact all MPM members in an attempt to be able to connect with them since email is an unreliable medium to get updated information to people in today's land of the Internet.

I followed up with the person I'd contacted at work last week who asked to reschedule. He is facing prospective surgery and now isn't a good time for him. I will contact him later to ensure his surgery went well and even later still to talk about business.

Big Z and I had a fantastic jaunt around a favorite lake tonight after going to the copy store. We practically jogged most of it, even though I haven't been getting enough exercise lately to do that sort of thing. He wouldn't listen when I complained of not having muscles warmed up and being ready for it, and instead, he put on the speed. Until . . . he got a side ache. I tell you, his spirit was willing, but his side ache slowed him down enough for me to make it through without injuries ;-).

On our journey, we stopped by the home of dear friends to give hugs and support to Mom who had to make an emergency trip to CA to help with her ailing Grandmother this last week. We had a good visit, and we shared about T-Day and our Locks of Love project. Both her kids, as well as she and her husband were quite surprised, but very supportive.

I created and sent a follow-up email to the contact facing surgery, and sending along our good wishes and prayers for his full recovery.

VERY LATE bedtime routine tonight, far too late . . . but it was worth our evening around the lake and being with our friends ;-).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 27

This morning began early at shortly after 6 a.m. by gathering and filtering through all my data from my lead calling time to get the information to the Administrative Assistant for MPM.

Today while on my four-hour Live Chat shift and awaiting calls to help folks, I did a lot of connecting with members on the team and also got to help a member who needed assistance just before my shift ended.

I also created follow-up emails to two people I'd interviewed and fired them off.

Gave a follow-up call to a contact who wasn't able to view the presentation. Now that she had her email in her box, she could read over the new presentation. We rescheduled for Wednesday since she hadn't read her email, and we also had a very good visit. I invited her and the other contact I emailed to our Family Chat.

Coaching Call for an hour followed by Family Chat. Ginny read the SBIY (the Someone Believes in You) message about Suzy Orman's rise from poverty and challenge to fame and multi-millions. It was a very inspirational Family Chat. The call may be listened to at The call happens every Monday night at 6 P.M. PT. You may login on the Internet or dial in from your phone. Check the website for additional information.

I read the update for today, and also went back a few updates. On one, I found the link Ginny promised to post to us so that we could watch the video of Libby Sauter. Wow! Incredible story.

And, what's more is that the mission of Karma Tube is to spread good . . . To Be the Change!

I checked out my printer and found it is inoperable . . . so, I'm copying my schedule to a CD to get another copy made at the store . . . Bummer, eh?

Today is the day that's crammed FULL, so, though this is a short post, it was a long and wonderful day. Bedtime routine a bit late, after 9 p.m. already.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Moving Forward ----Day 25

A good calling session with the Lead Calling System today.

I created 2nd VM message when I call someone and find them not in the second time.

10 New Leads:
2 no answers
3 connects. 1 connect-- at work. Call again Tuesday after 3 p.m. his time.
1 connect-- not interested.
1 wrong number.
2 bad numbers
1 busy signal
9 emails sent.

An interview after leaving first VM message.

F/U after interview: not in, message left.

8 Follow-up VM M/L
8 Follow-up Emails sent

I listened to an inspirational interview of famous television star from the women's online networking group I joined. I had not ever watched the TV show with Estelle. Her interview was interesting . . . she'd sure had a varied life and never ever thought she would be an actress, though she enjoyed school plays. Through the encouragement of others, she became involved in Broadway, and thanks to one of her sons, she would up in L.A. and landed her famous role on her first audition. There are times when you've got it, and "when you've GOT it!" She definitely has it ;-).

I called a friend of mine to visit and update on my progress in our company. He has survived the budget and hour cuts in his state-funded job, and is looking forward to taking an excurion out of town to reconnect with an old friend later this month. I was glad to wish him an early "Happy Birthday!".

I attended a birthday party for a friend of Big Z's and got to sport my new hair (or lack there of) and share some about Locks of Love. Everyone seems to think my gift to LoL is a brave one. I find it doesn't feel brave. It just is ~~~ I am still who I am, with or without hair ;-). I also got to share about M.J. who created such a beautiful and warm hat for my head ;-).

Big Z was happy to see his Mom with my hand-made hat on. I'd called him first thing this morning and asked him how he was doing. He said he was good, but, "I don't want to see your head yet. I want you to wear a hat when I come home."

I replied, "I know it made you uncomfortable yesterday, and that's why I'm calling. I will wear a hat."

He said, "Yeah. You have to wear one even when you take a bath! I don't want to see your head!" I promised him I would.

Needless to say, as all the big boys came off the field and sat for their feeding frenzy of pizza and cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream, Big Z waved to me and excitedly asked, "Mom, will you please take off your hat and show everyone what you did?"

I was holding the sweet baby brother of the birthday boy, and wasn't about to let him out of my arms, so I told him, "Not yet, Z. Let everyone eat, and besides, my arms are full of Baby E."

He understood and his focused returned to the table of boys and their food. But later, as the party winded down, and the boys left one-by-one, he asked to see my head a little bit. We had big hugs and said good-bye until I would see him tomorrow for Mom's Day.