Friday, May 29, 2009

Moving Forward ---Day 45

It's been a glorious day with fantastic weather that makes our hearts sing!!! We hopped on our bikes for a lovely ride to Big Z's school and felt the warmer air tickle our skin and we smiled. Big Z was the first biking student to arrive, which gave him a great feeling.

I made a scheduled F/U call to one of our World Changer hopefuls: She wasn't in, so left a VM.

I downloaded our inactive member list and sent personalized emails to them regarding the stimulus package. I placed them in an Excel file and sought out their addresses and phone numbers.

I read over the Stimulus Package letter that was sent by the "Fabulous Fifty" to all members and read more about the Ugandan Solar Oven Project. We've yet to hear much about this program. But, I'm sure we will hear more and more about it as Together We Can Change The World, Inc., has formed an alliance, and The Ugandan Solar Oven Project will be fund raising for the program through their own f'ree NPO World Changer Mall. To learn more about this new program, visit their blog:

And here's the blurb from Ginny:

The Ugandan American Global Initiatives solar oven project has two principal goals:

We are sending Sun Oven© solar ovens to Uganda. At this time, there are approximately 1,000 ovens in the country, and our goal is to send at least 10,000 ovens.

We are building a solar oven factory in Uganda. The factory will be located in the industrial park section of Kampala. It will be only the second solar oven factory on the continent, and the very first solar oven factory in sub-Saharan Africa. Here are some of the benefits of building the factory:

*Increase employment opportunities for Ugandans
*Lower the price of each oven so more families can obtain one
*Bring useful technology to the area

The Ugandan American Global Initiatives is going to raise $50,000 to build the factory. At the present time, an acre of land for the factory has already been granted by the government. Our focus is on sending containers to Uganda to bring the necessary tools to Uganda to outfit the factory.

To learn more about this, just visit their website:

It's very inspiring to read about this project, and it will be delightful to read about more and more Non-Profit Organizations that will be helped as Together We Can Change The World's vision to use commerce to change people's lives and to pour money into charitable organizations around the globe, helping make a positive impact around the world.

I also read the Update for today and applied for the Miracle Team. I'm excited! I called my Earth Angel team to alert them and was happy to hear they are considering the team for themselves, too. This will mean that I extend my "Boot Camp" by a lot more days . . . by another 60 days! ;-)

I gave a F/U call to another hopeful as a WC, but she still is having computer issues, and, yet we had a good conversation about her immediate and long range goals. I will call her again next week.

I filled out my merchandise certificate online and went through the process of activating the certificate for June. I am excited about this program, too ;-).

I had another follow-up call with a contact that was due to have surgery. He got an infection and his surgery was postponed. I caught him at a bad time, but, he and I will connect again. He will watch the online presentation and we'll get back in touch by Tuesday. He's looking for a legitimate way to earn extra money from home. I sent him an email with all the information so that he can view how the New Economic Stimulus Program can assist him.

If you'd like to learn how you, too, can take advantage of this program, just go to Big Z's Foundation Mall at

I had another good evening bike ride in the delightful summer-like air, and I was happy to see all the new blossoms on the bushes and berries. There is a lot of fluff in the air from the trees. It was amazing. It's lovely to have summer 'round the bend . . .

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