Happy Birthday to My Power Mall Corporate and to MPM Members all around the Globe!!!
When I hear that most start-ups fail in their first five years and then I take a look at My Power Mall and its growth in the last two years as a new division of Together We Can Change The World, Inc., I have to smile because I feel that MPM is here to stay.
As a company, we've already faced numerous challenges and met them head on and become stronger for them. The management team has only become closer as a "family" team (Together Everyone Achieves More) and they are working as an engine more finely tuned with each passing year. Each management team member is getting better and better at using their skills to help shape MPM within the team vision as they lead the company forward. The power of Together WE CAN Change the World is reaching out into My Power Mall like never before, especially with the launch of T-Day (Together We Can Change The World Day) March 7, 2009.
Many, many changes have occurred since March 19, 2007, and many of them have improved and enhanced MPM in incredible ways. Some days when I look back on the changes and improvements, I just have to say, "Wow! This just keeps getting better and better." Yes, these changes do require a flexibility on the part of the members and management team, but all of us would do best to celebrate them and be happy for them because it means that we strive for C-A-N-I (Anthony Robbin's acronym) : "Constant and Never-ending Improvement" --- MPM will never settle with what is okay, or mediocre, or satisfactory, but will always seek to be better, to become more.
It feels as if in the next three years an even more massive foundation will be built upon these last two years of My Power Mall's growth. MPM will sit as a huge iceberg floating upon a vast ocean with only its small white icy top sticking out of the water, and invisible to the naked eye, its huge foundation sinks deep into the blue depths, and its mass spreads wide beneath the ocean's surface, keeping it stable and powerfully afloat in calm seas and tumultuous seas.
I'm grateful to Ginny Dye, and to the Founding Members, and to the Management Team, who have carried the vision of Together We Can Change The World from its humble, yet powerful mind-thought, out into the world to become a reality.
It is sure to be an incredible ride for me and my son in the next three years, as we cement our own vision with the vision of MPM and TWCCTW, Inc. How grateful I am for this opportunity to effect positive change in our lives and in the lives of those we care for, and for each and every person we meet along the way that is captivated by the vision of our company and inspired to their own greatness through their affiliation with us.
This day marks a new dawn for us. It crept up surprisingly fast, too. From the moment Big Z's Enterprise was born in late June 2007, we were not able to choose at that time to grow my son's business. It wasn't until this November, 2008, that we seriously decided to commit to integrating MPM into our lives since it seemed the gift we'd been asking for, but kept brushing off in favor of gaining employment. When employment didn't happen (and it's ok) , and the thought of "Can we really grow this business?" coincided with the Boot Camp program, it just seemed like the right time to say, "Yes!" to MPM and what it could offer our family. Now that we found our place within the team and Boot Camp is done, it is time to recreate our plan and set in motion our own foundation's growth for a lasting and powerful team, starting with the growth of Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall.
Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall gives 100% of its earnings to effect good in the world and to help support the One-Child-At-A-Time-Program. Please click the link to learn more and how you can become involved in your own life-enriching home business. Click here.
Thank you.
And, Happy Birthday My Power Mall!
When I hear that most start-ups fail in their first five years and then I take a look at My Power Mall and its growth in the last two years as a new division of Together We Can Change The World, Inc., I have to smile because I feel that MPM is here to stay.
As a company, we've already faced numerous challenges and met them head on and become stronger for them. The management team has only become closer as a "family" team (Together Everyone Achieves More) and they are working as an engine more finely tuned with each passing year. Each management team member is getting better and better at using their skills to help shape MPM within the team vision as they lead the company forward. The power of Together WE CAN Change the World is reaching out into My Power Mall like never before, especially with the launch of T-Day (Together We Can Change The World Day) March 7, 2009.
Many, many changes have occurred since March 19, 2007, and many of them have improved and enhanced MPM in incredible ways. Some days when I look back on the changes and improvements, I just have to say, "Wow! This just keeps getting better and better." Yes, these changes do require a flexibility on the part of the members and management team, but all of us would do best to celebrate them and be happy for them because it means that we strive for C-A-N-I (Anthony Robbin's acronym) : "Constant and Never-ending Improvement" --- MPM will never settle with what is okay, or mediocre, or satisfactory, but will always seek to be better, to become more.
It feels as if in the next three years an even more massive foundation will be built upon these last two years of My Power Mall's growth. MPM will sit as a huge iceberg floating upon a vast ocean with only its small white icy top sticking out of the water, and invisible to the naked eye, its huge foundation sinks deep into the blue depths, and its mass spreads wide beneath the ocean's surface, keeping it stable and powerfully afloat in calm seas and tumultuous seas.
I'm grateful to Ginny Dye, and to the Founding Members, and to the Management Team, who have carried the vision of Together We Can Change The World from its humble, yet powerful mind-thought, out into the world to become a reality.
It is sure to be an incredible ride for me and my son in the next three years, as we cement our own vision with the vision of MPM and TWCCTW, Inc. How grateful I am for this opportunity to effect positive change in our lives and in the lives of those we care for, and for each and every person we meet along the way that is captivated by the vision of our company and inspired to their own greatness through their affiliation with us.
This day marks a new dawn for us. It crept up surprisingly fast, too. From the moment Big Z's Enterprise was born in late June 2007, we were not able to choose at that time to grow my son's business. It wasn't until this November, 2008, that we seriously decided to commit to integrating MPM into our lives since it seemed the gift we'd been asking for, but kept brushing off in favor of gaining employment. When employment didn't happen (and it's ok) , and the thought of "Can we really grow this business?" coincided with the Boot Camp program, it just seemed like the right time to say, "Yes!" to MPM and what it could offer our family. Now that we found our place within the team and Boot Camp is done, it is time to recreate our plan and set in motion our own foundation's growth for a lasting and powerful team, starting with the growth of Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall.
Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall gives 100% of its earnings to effect good in the world and to help support the One-Child-At-A-Time-Program. Please click the link to learn more and how you can become involved in your own life-enriching home business. Click here.
Thank you.
And, Happy Birthday My Power Mall!
***image credits: Ralph A. Clevenger, 1999, a digital composite of four different images; "The Essences of Imagination" marketed by "Successories", www.successories.com.
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