Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday In The Last Official Boot Camp Week --- Day 50

Day 50

Today's bonus:

I used our American Express Gift Card that we purchased through Big Z's Foundation Mall to pay for our rental and auto insurance policies with Pemco. YEAH! It's wonderful to get paid for paying our bills!

Out of our training calls today are a few messages I'd like to share:

"All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough." A.L. Williams

Australia and Europe have the greatest amount of money paid to them from their efforts of growing My Power Mall businesses. This was an incredible bit of information that Ginny shared as she spoke about the yoke of many Americans' paradigm when it comes to growing a business from home. Though I have not researched it, I would imagine that Europe and Australia have far less products that they can order and have shipped to their countries, and yet, they are the highest paid members. Incredibly curious how this is so . . . I'm determined to compete with them and increase the share of rebates folks in the US create! Join me on our mission to do this by going to and sign up as a World Changer. Start collecting your rebates today!

Boot Camper Jewel shared that she's gone back to working leads after having an unexpected relocation recently. She's the Queen of Lead Calling, and she let us know that she is finding that with every 17 calls she makes, she speaks to someone who is wanting to change their lives and wants to explore My Power Mall.

60 Day Flash Cash Contest Announced on the Family Chat Call tonight. For every World Changer sign-up or upgrade from BM to WCM, $5 will be given to their sponsor in the form of a check direct from the company. AND, the person who has the most WC sign-ups during the rest of February will be gifted a $200 American Express Gift Card. This is incredible incentive AND reward for leadership and for creating a solid foundation to grow a prosperous MPM Business or MPM NPO.

(Tune into Family Chats every Monday evening at 6 PM PST by dialing 212-461-5800 and entering 3497#.)

Add 10 World Changers to your Frontline and become part of the World Changer 10+ Club and receive the beautiful poster posted at the top of this blog posting. This poster was created by Kathie Zetterberg, Graphic Design Artist.

Happy Birthday to Beth T. 2/10!!!!

A hearty thanks to Andrea, Ginny, Jacki and Wanda for your appreciation of our support of you during Boot Camp on the calls today. And thank you to Vern and Tom, Aletha, Richard, Lisa, and All, who've given your appreciation via blog. It's been my absolute pleasure to be here with you. Having the added support from Tina from day one has been powerful for me, too, because then we weren't the Lone Rangers. And, though we may have been the ones that tickled the keyboards to post you most often, Joanne B and every single person that has tuned into the calls and the blogs have been so touched by your efforts, your struggles and successes, your stories, you tenacity and your incredible results and have been there cheering you, too. It is YOU ALL that have inspired US and given us ideas, tips, examples of courage and pressing on, even in challenging life moments, and, it is YOU who are showing us that success will come in this business when you work it consistently. You are fine teachers, and without you, and your determined fortitude, we would not have been able to look into the fish bowl to see Who My Power Mall is For.

My Power Mall is for Everyone who has a Heart and who taps into the Vision of "Together" We CAN Change The World, by first starting with our own lives, and then reaching out to the lives of our family, our neighbors, our community and to the world, and trusting that through this process, Hope is Kindled, and good is achieved, our needs are met, as the needs of others are met. My Power Mall is also for those who know that diligence, effort, dream nurturing, consistency, and action, coupled with utilization of the ever improving million dollar system we have been given, will be our only keys for success.

This isn't a get-rich program. Far too many people may have given a cursory glance to this business and found it wasn't for them because they couldn't create cash instantly, or many other reasons that support their belief systems. But for those that realize it takes 2-5 years to grow a successful business in any industry, and who keep their eyes on their goals of helping others while achieving their success, will find themselves handsomely rewarded., and not just monetarily.

It is YOU, the Boot Campers, who are providing the rich tapestry of experience that demonstrates how success is created in this business. Each and every person that ever takes the time to view your World Changer Reality Boot Camp histories from now forth will find the nuggets of what's required to achieve more in their lives, and in their own My Power Mall Business. Thank you, All!

Get Your World Changer Mall Now:

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