Day 45
Today I had a great conversation with a Dear Friend of Mine who is a hospice nurse. She's an incredible person with an incredible heart and desire to help people. We've spoken in the past about the how they have a hospice foundation to help people when there isn't enough money for clients to receive care, however, many of our conversations have turned to politics, time, money, speedy solutions vs. the best patient care possible. It's an excruciating situation to be in, and one that she would like to effect in the best possible ways, for her fellow nurses, for her bosses, for the establishment, but most of all for the clients served and yet to be served in their final days of life, and for their families.
This friend of mine has a dying friend, who, if she had the money, there may be hope if she could just get a liver transplant . . . However, she doesn't have the money for a liver transplant and has been ill for quite some time . . . I told her about Boot Camper Andrea and Boot Camper Wanda because they are helping those they care for and those in need by creating a source of funding for their medical bills and for sustenance while in convalescence and during and after the loss of a loved one.
We talked about other ways to have an alliance with NPO's and My Power Mall and each other. For now, she's too busy to become involved in any way, however, once her mind gets turning on a potential, it will eventually work itself into a yes or a no, but all along the way, she's loving and supportive of anything Big Z and I choose in life.
Alas, we report that we did have trouble tuning into the blogtalk radio . . . And, we un-installed our MPM Toolbar. It played. However, at the end of the call, we found that another error inserted itself and froze the whole computer. Eeek. So, there it sat frozen until I dropped Big Z at school and made my way back here to shut it town improperly and reboot ;-). I'd already mailed the info off to Nita, so I updated it and sent her our second version . . . Try, try again tomorrow. It would be lovely to see what the issue really is . . .
I called a grocery store in town that we frequent to see if they take AMEX and they do, and they thought they would take the gift cards as well. Good news! We also redeemed our grocery certificate and chose our market. March is the first month we can use our vouchers to receive $25 back for every $100/month in purchases over the year. YEAH. I'm still so excited over this ;-).
Today we were able to catch up with our blog reads and comments, always an enjoyable part of our day, for sure. And, we caught the boot camp training call, hearing more from Tom on his work with NPOs for an added re-cap from yesterday morning's radio show.
Today we got to play after school with friends unexpectedly. It's gotten a bit warmer and so when we were invited to a park to play with doggie and three kids and Mom, we jumped at the chance. It was great fun, and it sure DOES shift the energy. The oldest friend is Big Z's age and they've known each other since they were babies; younger brothers are just now 6, and 3. Wow, does time fly.
As we've been working tonight, Big Z is continuing his read-a-thon reading. And, we just spent a bit of time shifting more energy by "moving the energy" of crankiness by having fun, joking and rushing to our rocking chair for a "no more cranky song." Believe it or not, it's just what the doctor ordered, and, it turned into a very cozy bit of time. I'm sure some of you are feeling the effects of your attentions diverted while pushing forth as Boot Campers with those we love, even when they ARE on our team. Big Z, though happy I'm home and working on his business, would still rather I spend almost every single minute with him. Balance and focus . . . Moving forward to gain our immediate goals while still having quality time . . . It's a dance and we'll continue to work towards a happy balance between growing business time and growing ourselves time.
Today wound up being another day like yesterday in some instances, moving forward but still not quite doing what we must to achieve results . . .
3 years ago
I see you had a lot to do :)
Ginny really helped yesterday with the proposal. I just did not know how and what numbers to put in the empty spots lol
Now I know at least how to fill it out for the future :)
My house is cleaned, everything done and I actually had 2 hours 2 days ago where I did not know what to do lol I usually am like a chicken with the head cut off multi-tasking all day long every day but during those two hours I did not know what to do with myself lol
It kind of made me feels like I actually need the stress in my life
How are things for you?
It is always such a pleasure to read your blog, and see what you and Big Z have found to do today! Thank you once again for your encouragement. Isn't it funny how people can live so far away and yet create a bond? I hope you have gotten your computer problems fixed, and that you have a terrific evening:)
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