Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whispers of Hope ----Day 60

Day 60

Together We Can Change The World whispers Hope through My Power Mall Division by providing rebates for regular everyday spending . . . Hope that even in this economy, when people of like mind and heart work together for the common good of all, wealth will occur.

Stories are becoming commonplace in the world around me of job lay-offs, no money to pay the bills, foreclosures on homes, unemployment, food stamps and other temporary forms of assistance.

My sister was let go from her job at a small toy store where she worked less than full-time anyhow --- sales down. Her husband is unemployed currently due to a medical condition. Three kids. Bills mounting for months and home loss is likely by the end of this year unless their situation rapidly improves . . .

My neighbor is still home after being laid off 3 weeks ago. They are emigrants, still awaiting word from the Immigration Courts after being in the country for 5 years . . . His wife is still cleaning anywhere and everywhere she can find . . . a teen son and a young daughter to support.

A friend of mine that has been a contact since January has had his wife wrongly fired, they have their house in foreclosure, a young child with Muscular Dystrophy, and in our conversation this evening, I learn that he, too, was laid off just days after we last spoke.

These are just three scenarios that are quite disturbing, and yet it's happening all over the country.

My Power Mall and TWCCTW, Inc. offer hope to people like me and my son, to people like my sister, my neighbor, and my friend. Common, everyday people who are still quite capable of being more than their situation, may find a haven of hope with MPM because MPM pays you a rebate percentage for the shopping you do every single day anyway.

Do you buy toilet paper? Do you buy groceries? Do you buy gasoline? Do you buy clothing? Do you buy gifts for your kids' friends on their birthdays? Do you buy printer ink for your computer? Do you buy light bulbs for your home?


Then get paid by shopping in your own My Power Mall. Start by finding 5 people who also shop like you do. Form a team, and your team will grow and grow.

J. Paul Getty says: "I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort."

Why would he say something like that?

Because of the power of leverage, the power of compound interest, the power of together we are stronger than one. The words of our Founder and CEO, Ginny Dye, reiterate that we are stronger together vs. individually, "Very few of us have the resources to make a big difference on our own. But our small efforts, combined with the small efforts of millions will create a tidal wave of goodness that will sweep the globe."

This is exactly why the MPM System was created. By working together, Big Z, you and I can reap the reward of 100, 1000, 2000, 3000 plus people who each do the work of 1, but because we are leveraging the work of ALL, we are helping those very people who are helping us, AND, making a difference at the same time!

In the online presentation, MPM states, "We have created a million dollar system that will give you the ability to MAKE money, and, more importantly, make a DIFFERENCE with almost every dollar you spend."
Make a difference? How?

By supporting the One-Child-At-A-Time Program with every purchase you make through your Mall --- 6% of Corporate Profits go toward supporting a child in need. When their needs are met, then another child is chosen.

Currently, the children who are receiving benefit through OCAATP are the SIFA Choir. To learn more, visit this page: Together We Can Change The World, Inc.

How else can I make a difference?

You will be helping those on your team by utilizing the power of your spending. And, you can help a charity of your choice by giving them a f'ree World Changer Mall of their own to share with their supporters, leveraging their return off of their everyday spending, and providing additional return to you.

"Harness[ing] the Power of Everyday Spending to Change The World," is what MPM is all about. This company is here soley to benefit the world, beginning with you and your family's needs first.

Here's another J. Paul Getty quote for fun as you consider having your own business from home. It is typically in this kind of economy that is the BEST time for you to begin your business from home . . .

"The #1 guideline to success is you must be in business for yourself. When you work for someone else, you sell your time at wholesale to your employer, who then re-sells it at retail to the customer."

I must also remember Paul Zane Pilzer from our former posts on January 17 and 18, 2009 . . . PZP states that there will be many new millionaires created in every economic downturn.

We're going to become two of those millionaires. Why don't we do it together? Here's how to get started:

Answer the whisper of Hope in your life today.

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