Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday -- Day 48

Day 48

Whew!!! I could feel it when the alarm went off this a.m. saying it was time to prepare for Live Chat --- I stayed up too late blogging.

Though Live Chat was uneventful, it got me to my desk and I was ready to be of service to anyone who needed it around the globe. This is a good feeling. I got to have a wonderful visit with another Operator who is one of the founding members who replaced me after the hour was up. It was good to have that time to say, "Hello!" and share some stories. Afterwards, I got to visit with the Director of Customer Service and as we are dog lovers, she sent a pix of her baby boy so that Big Z and I could feast our eyes on him. That was cool.

This day brought with it another small bike ride, this time to our friend who ordered her enzymes off Big Z's Foundation Mall last week. Her order came beautifully from the Mother Nature Store and she was pleased. As she was sorting through her receipts for tax time, and the sun was bursting through her windows, I couldn't resist helping her, making the project be a bit more fun. In exchange, she we shared a cup of tea.

"How do you order from Big Z's Foundation Mall?" you might ask. Simple. Just go to and decide if you would like to earn a rebate on your purchase. Since you're probably like most people and would like to have your own rebates back everytime you purchase something you then click on the World Changer Button on the right side of the page. A short video will explain how it works.

Then, click the link below the video that says, "Yes! I want a World Changer Mall!"

Once you have your mall you can shop and receive your very own rebates AND be helping fund the One-Child-At-A-Time Program!

For my friend, however, we just clicked the "Shop" button on the World Changer Video page banner and placed her order directly from there. For now, she likes the idea of supporting us and the children, and isn't concerned with her own rebates. This may or may not change, and we're just happy that she shopped with Big Z.

I got to see our neighbor and found out her husband is laid off, for a full week now. Oh, that's hard. This is the family from El Salvador. She also won't have work next week as people are cutting back. I gave her an encouraging hug, and took her hands in mine and said, "We really need to get your business going." Her husband came out afterwards and they were off. I do not know if he is supportive of the idea, but now that he is laid off . . . I just told her I would help them somehow, someway. I'll keep checking with them, especially when she asked, jokingly, if we could make room in our garage in case . . .

I had a brief call with our team member across the country before my good friend came over and asked me to dinner. Of course, I said, "YES!" Her boy was away with friends and Big Z was with his Dad, so, we used the time to talk business. I'm helping her with a project and we worked on it after our meal.

Afterwards, we caught up on the happenings with Big Z's business and she asked a few questions on how it works. PERFECT! I invited her to our computer and showed her how. She watched the World Changer presentation and then I showed her the mall, where she wanted to see how much airfare was to her vacation destination in a few weeks. She has great resistance to computers and technology, and therefore, is having a hard time deciding if this is for her. However, she really liked the professionalism of the presentation, and the idea of another revenue stream. She left with thoughts of ordering her plane fare through Big Z once she knew her plans. We'll see if we can get her a rebate, though.

It was another good day, and, a late evening . . . Bed time now, everybody. Sleep tight.

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