A lovely time on our training calls, time for reflection and sharing. Thank you, Ginny. Thank you, Jacki. Thank you, Gary, for recording all of those calls. Thank you, Susan, for posting all the info for so long in Boot Camp. Thank you to Maggie, for your comments this morning and evening in support of the Campers . . . Thanks to Maggie and Nita and team, for fielding the Q's as they came into Customer Service over all the changes implemented during the 1st ever World Changer Reality Boot Camp. Thank you, Campers! Thank you to the M-Team, you wonderful people who really know how to get things done in a hurry, and, how to ensure that everything out here in front is running as smoothly as possible. Thank you to Listeners, to Followers, to those out there growing your business and spreading the message of TWCCTW Power. Thank you to my son, Big Z. Thank you to anyone else I may have missed. THANK YOU!
On this, the last day of Boot Camp, one may wonder how it came to pass: My son got his new bike. He's been asking and waiting and waiting and asking for months . . .
Today he finally got a good bike, not necessarily the one he wanted or visualized. It was the compromise on price/features between his Dad and myself, and ultimately, Z's acceptance of the outcome. Good news, though, Daddy bended a little in his favor towards the end. And, it has gears and shocks, two features that Z just wouldn't bend on.
The beauty, well, we'll have to see if we can find you a pix. He manifested it, and we also thank his ever thoughtful great aunt, his Dad, and Big Z himself. Big Z pitched in $55 of his own cash.
Big Z has a photocopy of a bike above his pillow, and he also drew his own version of the bike he wanted. Now, he tells me he has another there as well.
One thing's for certain, children sure know how to ask, and ask, and ask some more, never really taking NO for an answer. They're really good at the art of "not now." Well, OK. At least Big Z is ;-).
Good night, All. We'll see you on the other side of Boot Camp . . .
And thank you both. We have loved all of the support you have given us but now it is your time to shine!
Shine on, shine on and you will do great. I will be here to support you this time around.
Hi Tees and Big Z,
thanks for visiting my blo and as always your wonderful comments. Brendon Fosters video can be seen if you click on my picture. I noticed a few weeks ago, the source that I got it from was not viewable anymore. So I had to find it somewhere else. I view it almost everyday to remind me what I strive for. Also, to keep the memory of this fine young man to keep in my heart for the rest of my life. I think he is an angel.
Hey, you and Z are pretty famous in the company, I just have a big mouth and make myself known. You know us new yorkers got to put our 2 cents into everything.... and I am Italian. It was amazing watching these guys go from timid,scared little fishes to mighty sharks. Wow what a ride, cannot wait to see them really roar!You have been an inspiration to me too! thank you so much!
Tina from ny
Hello Tess and Mr Z. Thank you for your comments, they are very much appreciated. I may put a few poetry on the blog along.
Did Big Z get his e card?
What you got to do today is at the point where it don't get no better than that. Good Night and hug your family.
Hi Tess!
Thank you for the encouragement and the kind words. Take them leads out and just keep calling, and I find the key is calling them like you already know them, and that they were asking for you to call them with some great news. Instead of saying you are calling them because they filled out a form about a home based business, try saying this, "Hi {name}, my name is {first and last name}, the reason for my call is because I want to give you information that will help you make some extra money just by doing what you are already doing, do you have a few minutes to talk? Presentation time! it works for me, and maybe for you. The words survey, and home business, scare people. And being excited to share MPM, really is important. I don't really consider myself the Queen of lead calling! Haha! I just happen to have a gift of gab! :)I have been a stylist for 25 years, and I have always been a good listener and friend to people.
Good luck to you and Big Z!
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