Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Springing Forth with Action--- 60 Day Goal Plan for Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall Growth

As spoken about on Blog Talk Radio today, a rough draft follows outlining my goals I mailed to Jacki Varacalli, in the wee morning hours Monday morning. I was up from midnight until 6:30 a.m. and with a combined sleep of about 4 hours, I started the day knowing I would be "on deck" with Live Chat Operator time for MPM Customer Service for 4 hours out of the center of the day ;-). Good news, though, it ended up because I ate well, I was able to gain energy throughout the course of the day; however, I was sure happy for bedtime when it arrived. Note that I have not included my color-coded schedule because I feel that is personal to me and need not be shared with everyone. Create your own schedule and admire the pretty colors of your life reflected on the page ;-).

A special thanks goes to Jacki for being the gentle and hot fire that lights under my feet: I will walk on coals ;-) and not get burned.

Another special thanks goes to Eleanor for taking the lead on posting goal-setting action steps and for joining Jacki on the Coaching Radio Show to share and encourage everyone to move forward.

A special thanks to fellow Bloggers and Boot Campers, SandyW and to TomF. Sandy has consistently taken the role of a leader and business builder. She inspires me to no end as a working mother with a child on the way (due any moment now) with a dream to provide financial stability for her family in a time of economic instability. She is grounded and consistent in her actions, thoughtful in her approach, and is willing to step out of her comfort zone. For instance, just take a look at Sandy's Blog Training Post for Yesterday, "What Is An Online Marketing Funnel?"

Tom has shared a solid alliance with me since the end of Boot Camp and provides a steady stream of support and encouragement to improve all areas of my life. He has quietly and powerfully led the Boot Campers in a proper approach to working with NPOs. He realizes through our alliance the power of supporting each other, and he chooses to give to others in the way that he felt supported by me in Boot Camp, providing those who request his assistance are serious about making wonderfully rich strides in their MPM goals through the Earth Angel concept.

A special thanks goes to those Boot Campers I have befriended upon our journey together that have kept in contact and who've recently offered their encouragement. It means a lot to me.

To my son, I give great big thanks in the biggest of Big ways to match the powerful spirit of his Big Z Self. His larger understanding about our situation and his desire to have his own business are the fuel that enables him to support his mother in taking steps towards bettering our future while bettering the lives of others. Big Z, without you being my partner, we may be at odds more than I care to admit. Thank you for believing in me as I believe in you, and for trusting that even when Mama's attention is diverted with x, y, and z, that I still love you immensely. And, it is your helpfulness that will be all the difference to our success. WE CAN DO THIS!

And, thank you to Nita, who is wonderful to visit with and who is supportive of the growth of her Live Operators' Businesses, like ours.

Thank you to Jean for giving added fuel and inspiration for our TWCCTW hearts.

Thank you to Ginny and the M-Team for your incredible vision and your incredible sacrifice for all of us, and for each and every person who's life is touched in some small way by TWCCTW and MPM.

Thank you to anyone else I may have missed here; please know you are in my heart and your exclusion here isn't intentional.



April 13, 2009

Begin date April 15, 2009, Wednesday


Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time

By June 13, 2009 or before (60 days), I would like to personally sponsor 15 people (or more; I'm open to receiving my Abundance from the Universe) to Big Z Gives Big Foundation Mall.

This translates to 1.7 new MPM members per week, or, 2 each week for 7 weeks, plus one to have a solid number, or more, as I'm open to receiving the Abundance of the Universe.

Must talk with 3 plus people/day live re: MPM (according to Jacki's estimate)

How will I accomplish this goal?

Call leads, Peak Impact

Network, Internet and Personal

Biz Cards

Disciplined Schedule, Flexible Outlook


Coaching Calls

Blog, et.al. video/YouTube/face book/twitter/social sites

Get New Team Members Started Right Training

Personal Self-Growth/Training

Exercise-Eat Well-Rest Well

Live Chat Operator

Support from Jacki and Tom, et. al.


What steps needed in order to move towards this goal?

Structure days/Schedule

Obtain cash and purchase biz cards for local market

Perfect Miracle Team Training Docs

Sign up for Blog Talk Radio Account

Read about and sign up for social networking, online and with Max Steingart

Research which local NPO to turn BigZGivesBig over to

Cash Flow creation ;-)

Marilyn L. regarding Big Z's Payment Card to My Account for Tax Purposes

***My schedule includes 6 Hours Live Chat Operator Time, 4 Hours Coaching Calls/MPM Family Chat time, and 19 Hours of MPM Workable Time throughout the week; efforts have been made to achieve a balance between work, family time, personal time which includes sleep, meditation, exercise.

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