Volunteering time as a Live Chat Operator is a wonderful experience. My scheduled time has changed and morphed since beginning my service a few months ago, and now I spend my 4 hour shift on Monday instead of Sunday.
There are a few themes emerging in the questions I've received and I thought a post on where to find many answers to questions you may have.
For example:
READ your FAQs, or Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQs are found on your drop down menu for the MPM Websites on the MPM Toolbar, and, they are found in your back office. Also, spend time reading your Power Bites because they provide a wealth of information about your mall and strategies you can use to grow yourself and your business.
Many people ask. "How do I find my ID number and Key Code?" Your initial email you received as a new My Power Mall business was your Welcome Letter. It arrives in the email box that you used to sign up for your business. Each business is coded by the email address, and therefore, each business must have its own email address. Two business cannot share the same email address.
If you have forgotten or misplaced your Key Code, then you can go to your log in page and retrieve your Key Code by following the prompts in red regarding this issue. If you don't know your MPM ID, then email admin@mypowermall.com and give your name, the name of your mall, the email address you used to create your mall.
"What is my log in address?" you may ask: http://www.mypowermall.com/login/your mall ID # here.
"What is my shopping mall address?": http://www.mypowermall.com/mall/your mall ID # here OR you can also reach your shopping page by entering your domain name that you purchased for your business and clicking on the "Shop" button.
Another question is, "Can I change the email address associated with my business?"
Yes, you may. The best thing you can do is to email admin@mypowermall.com and give them your name, the name of your mall, your email address used initially for your mall, your ID number and your Key Code, and the new email address you would like to use for the account.
Another query is regarding commissions, generally, "I haven't gotten paid yet. Why not?"
The best course of action you can take here is to go into your back office and update all your personal information, ensuring that you have both your PO Box AND your physical street address listed. Update your payment information and be sure to save it at the bottom AFTER you enter your email address in twice to confirm the change. In order to be paid, you need to have your birth date AND your SSN before the bank will issue funds; and, remember to set the minimum payment amount you would like to receive while you are updating your information.
If you have checked your mall earnings and have not received a commission yet, and you've verified all your information is current, you may email commissions@mypowermall.com and ask that a trace be put on your commissions card. Remember that you will likely have already received an email stating you will receive commissions for your first payment. This puts you on alert to expect a white envelope in the mail with your payment card.
Another question is: "I'm not receiving my updates, so how can I begin receiving them again?"
You may log in to your back office and follow the prompts under the Toolbar Installation Bar for setting yourself up to receive the updates again.
Speaking of the Tool Bar, there are some of you that are experiencing a large amount of shopping alerts through the RSS feed on the toolbar, sometimes more frequently than you would desire. FireFox has a glitch that is currently being fixed. Review the directions that are given for both IE and FireFox browsers in your back office. The Tool Bar Settings may be adjusted by going to the left hand side of the Tool Bar and clicking the drop-down menu. As many people are having the alerts occur often, it may be best to set the frequency of the alerts to once a day. If you continue to have problems with the MPM Tool Bar, try un-installing your Tool Bar and reinstalling it. If this doesn't solve the issue, then, un-install the Tool Bar, clear your browser cache and consider doing a disk scan or defragment your hard drive and install the Tool Bar again. If this still doesn't work, email admin@mypowermall.com giving as much information as you can. There is a document that can be sent to you to provide additional means for you to give information to the technical team that will help them find a solution.
Regarding updating payment information for your World Changer account or you have other questions regarding WC Mall fees, you can contact via email, payments@mypowermall.com. Please include your telephone number if you have to update your payment information so that Lisa Mota may call you to obtain your new information.
"I have questions about Someone Believes In You and my subscription?"
You may email admin@someonebelievesinyou.com your questions.
If you find that you don't get your question answered by reading the FAQs, another resource is to gloss your Power Bites. When you do take the time to research your own answer, you will find you are better equipped to help teach your team where to find information to help them advance their business.
Make it a habit to spend some time in your back office devoted to learning about what you have available to you every single day to help you grow your business and support your team. Read a few Power Bites; take MPM 101 again; listen to a coaching call or scan the Boot Camp blogs; experiment with sending an e-card or practice creating a signature for your email account by utilizing the banners given to you; send an e-book to a friend; practice retrieving various reports for your business and personal spending; read an update from Ginny; listen to a MPM Family Chat recording. It's worth it to study your business on a consistent basis because our business is constantly evolving for the better, and new improvements and tools are being provided that make our jobs easier.
Happy shopping and happy business building!
3 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks BZM! I was wondering how I updated my payment information!
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