Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 4 T-Day Truck Give-Away Comes Full Circle

Today was a special day!

Even Big Z thought so although it was his second day home from school due to eye irritation. But, by afternoon, we was happy to be home because it gave him a chance to read some Harry Potter ;-).

We had guests arrive unannounced. How fantastic it was to see a little youngster come trotting in front of our window and his mom close behind. We opened the door and were met with smiles and a huge basket to thank us for giving them our truck for the 2nd Together We Can Change The World Day, otherwise known as T-Day, on April 4 ( we gave a little bit earlier than the date, but getting the truck to its new home is almost on time).

WOW! It is incredibly beautiful and I was so surprised! She said they wanted to do something to let us know how much gratitude and joy they have as they receive the Big Truck (and it's not without a bit of uneasiness, too --- for it's a challenge to let go of "It's easier to give than receive" mantra we grew up hearing).

Even though I have seasonal allergies affecting me, I graciously accepted the basket, knelt down on the little guy's level and raved over all the colors and delights in the basket. I was like a bee to the daffodils and had to sniff their sweet aroma and inhale their sun energy ;-). MmmmMmmm. THANK YOU for such a wonderful surprise and gift in return!

Mom and her youngest boy hung out with us and we got to play some games while we visited, and then we got to have some veggies, hummus, chips and tea. Eventually, after learning the truck was ready to come home from the shop the evening prior, we all took off in her car to get the Big Truck home!

How awesome it was to see "my" Big Truck again! It looked really good, and, I got to drive! Mom wasn't quite ready to tackle it yet, and her boy had just fallen to sleep. So, I got in and started that big motor up and let the engine roar for her as she backed her van nearby to hear it. She was smiling and gave a thumbs up, and we were off.

Once we got to her home on three acres, I backed it in the drive and left it idling. We looked under the hood and inspected; and we admired its big, bold 454. In short order, we got Mama behind the wheel to test drive her new Truck up and down her dirt road while her boy still slept in his seat. Big Z took the second spin with us, and amazingly, he was all too happy to get out. I asked him later why he was in such a hurry, and he said he got a little dizzy in the back of the van, and it was hot (and come to think of it, he was reading a book, too). He just wasn't in the space to have fun like the Moms were. It was fun!

While we were there, and since she has chickens who are happily laying their eggs, she filled a container of fresh eggs for me to carry home as well! They are beautiful hues, green and brown.

As we left the drive, I turned to look at my former Big Truck and smiled at it. It looks really, really good there. And, their house and property are large enough that it almost looked small. She shared with me where she wants to park it, and we chuckled over our joy of the truck. Whereas my ex-husband couldn't stand it, and her husband is of almost the same feeling, we absolutely love it! He's very happy to let her garden, landscape, have the truck and have her be happy, so long as he doesn't have to participate in the work ;-). Hee, hee.

We had to depart pretty quickly since it was time to pick up her other boy from his school, and then off to Big Z's school to get her daughter. It was great to visit with her other son 'cause he's such a talker, and to see her daughter again. After I got to meet Kit Kittredge (her Christmas gift this year) we were off to pay rent, and then they swung us back to our place. It was one fantastic round-trip experience!

My friend's sentiments in the card seemed very much attuned to the spirit of T-Day, and though I'd mentioned to her briefly about the truck being a T-Day Give-Away and of our last T-Day experiences, I was still surprised a card was found that embodies its energy:

"Let us be GRATEFUL to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls BLOSSOM. Thank you, dear Friend."

Inside the card, I share because of the beautiful exchange of giving and receiving. To some, my old Big Truck is just that. Old and big. But, to my friend, it's like a bit o'gold:

"My heart is overflowing with your generosity of giving us your wonderful, beautiful truck! Our little plot of land is as close as I'm going to get to living on a farm. The truck will help me live my dream! I hope that you will . . . take some joy rides with me for bales of straw, chicken feed, loads of dirt, lumber, etc., etc., etc."

You can bet on it ;-).

Through giving, we receive on many levels; through receiving we receive on many levels. In this story, my give-away came full circle and the giving came back to me in an unexpected and lovely way. In essence, we became a T-Day project for our friend, and she brought us bounty from the land, and little chocolate, too!

How wonderful it is when we are able to give and receive with equal amounts of joy and appreciation for the gift (s) exchanged between each other, no matter how big or how small they "seem" to be.

Should you have your own desire to participate in T-Day in some way, please visit the T-Day Site to read more about how to proceed, to gain ideas from others, and to post your projects here: T-Day Site.

***NOTE***To read this story from start to finish, you may check out our blog posts for March 13th and March 18th, 2009.

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