Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday's Happenings --- Day 40

Day 40

Welcome to the New Together We Can Change The World Radio Show, Broadcast Day 2 from the World Changer Reality Boot Camp with host, Jacki Varacalli: When you go there to listen to or download any podcast, please do return to to sign up as a World Changer. In this way, you'll come to us vs. the corporate site. We thank you in advance.

Sweet as it is to have the new technology to broadcast around the globe via Internet Radio, my Internet Explorer just didn't seem to like it. Today I wasn't able to listen via Internet due to the same issues as yesterday. I did find a tidbit that said the Google Toolbar, which I have, may be what is interfering in my particular situation. We tried to research the issue, but ran out of time before needing to head for Big Z's school. We'll have to keep seeking solutions to work out the kinks (another idea Aletha, I'm noting that my Live Chat software is trying to load even when I'm logged out . . . do you think THIS could be our issue?).

American Express Gift Card Success Stories, continued:

I purchased my first tank of gas using my American Express Gift Card. No fees. No hassle. Simple as could be ;-). I was celebrating big time, 'cause, had it NOT worked there by paying directly with the cashier, well, let's just say that my hugs wouldn't have been enough to pay for the gas, kind as I'd have been to the gentleman who is always smiling when I pay him for our fuel.

I also was able to update my directory listing as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner with The Reconnection Office. ;-). This makes me happy, too, because their online shopping cart wasn't set up to take American Express. However, calling their office directly was the solution ;-).

I also got to buy a few basics at Trader Joe's using my American Express Gift Card.

Previously, we've used our American Express Gift Card at Walgreens, Cost Cutter (grocery store), VerizonWirelessOnline, Schuck's Auto Supply, and Together We Can Change The World.

Alas, Comcast doesn't have a system that accepts AMEX, nor does our local co-op. In addition, to use our gift card to pay our electric bill, we'd be charged a fee that just seems too large to do ourselves justice . . .

But to make up for these small details we RECEIVED our GROCERY REBATE FORM in the mail today!!!! YEAH! You can BET we'll be picking the store that carries our favorites AND takes American Express Gift Cards ;-). You're darn tootin' we will. Happy as little larks we'll be shopping for our groceries AND getting paid by returns from purchasing our American Express Gift Card AND for shopping in our community by receiving $25 Each and Every Month for buying what we need to buy anyway.

Happy are WE who are World Changers . . . Say, you wanna join us? shows you how to become a World Changer today. Claim your stake at $600 in rebates for groceries and your gasoline right from the start ;-).

We also got to use our American Express Gift Card to purchase through PayPal by inputting this Gift Card into our PayPal account (we already had a verified account created). It was a snap to go to Lost Marble and order our bundled set of marketing videos. ;-). THIS is GREAT.

Progress for the Day:

* f/u call with a friend to see if tomorrow evening may be the night to catch her up on the company so she can decide if it's a fit for her and her family--- VM with info.

*f/u call with a lead I've been talking with. Last few calls we've missed. Now that we're near the weekend, we hope to connect. VM. Will try again this weekend to catch her to hear her thoughts on the presentations. She's viewed them, I believe.

*f/u call to a local contact. Haven't spoken since before Christmas due to our trip south, snow, and new year hub-bub about biz, though we have gotten to wave and smile at each other a few times. VM.

*f/u with my neighbor that thought she would be home today from work -- she wasn't home after all, and therefore, we didn't get her signed up as previously hoped. Left VM. Perhaps we can connect over the weekend.

*Call to a long-time friend to catch up with him after a long, long while. Had a great 30 minute call with him and he sounded great. This last year he was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that's been pretty challenging, and yet its been a growth-filled time for him. We did get to let him know what we're up to, including Big Z's 9th b-day and Big Z's business.

*Email to my sister asking if she can help with networking sites. She has a Facebook account, I know ;-).

Tonight on the Boot Camp Training Call, World Changer Boot Campers Gaylord and Sandy were the only ones in attendance . . . Must be a Friday night ;-).

Therefore, Sandy got special TLC treatment with Ginny. They worked on refining scripts and it was great, great info. Gaylord has had dental surgeries this week had been snoozing all afternoon, his body needing to recuperate. So, we think he got off the phone . . . We missed everyone else. And, the call ended all too soon at half-past the hour, Ginny off to create a script for working with local businesses, and Sandy to create a script to run by Ginny.

Ginny also reiterated listening to Boot Camper Tom F.'s info on his research of non-profit organizations because it gave her ideas for creating proposals to the NPO's after initial connections have been made with them.

The day was good. I called my brother to see what he thought of the info. He wasn't home so I left a VM. I spoke with my sister, mentioned above, and we spoke about my request for help with social networking sites . . . ;-) And, now, I'm on with my brother. A major life crisis call that requires my full attention. My son is with his Dad . . . Good night all. This is important.


bestblinddate said...

Girl... You are awesome! You always detail everything so well... I think I want to be just like you when I grow up ;-) I also Wanted to drop by and say thanks for the RC work you did. I do believe that when it leaves it is gone for good!!! Aletha

Joanne B said...

I hope everthing is ok. I so enjoy reading your blogs.
Thank you for your encouraging words.