Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Steppin' It Up --- Day 16

Day 16

Today was a day for steppin' it up. Self-care worked well to alleviate sore throat, fatigue persists. Excellent Reconnective Healing session.

Accomplishments for our day in Boot Camp.

--We tuned in to both morning and evening Boot Camp Training Calls.
--4 Follow-ups. 1 included 2 email exchanges with our friend from our bank; 3 were phone calls, two connects and one VM to remind folks about viewing website info.
--1 call to downline member, VM and reschedule call
-- info sent to corporate regarding lead generation resource
--1 call to client regarding MPM in her life.

What was exciting about the Boot Camp Training Calls today?

Hearing from the Boot Campers, of course!
Wow, guys. I've not finished viewing your blogs on the topic, but I have heard the calls. I'm so inspired by your persistence, and your willingness to share with everyone what your hopes are for 2009. As Ginny and Jacki began grilling you about details, and details, mailing your New Year's Letters, and working it backwards, asking you what it looks or feels like, how you plan to get there, I was so impressed that you stayed the course and were able to answer the questions, ask for help, and take action to catch up if needed.
As I heard each one of you, I felt my heart warm with pride and a feeling that You Will Reach The Milestones You've Set for Yourselves in this Boot Camp and BEYOND. It's really wonderful to hear that many of you KNOW in your hearts that this Boot Camp is only the beginning; we can hear your thoughts and inspirations for all of 2009 and beyond. You're here for the long haul and your voices carry the assuredness that success is here, for you, and for all Boot Campers, and for anyone else in the company who is watching, thinking about taking action; or, who is taking actionl; or, for the one that is peering into the fishbowl for the first time wondering, "What is this My Power Mall all about anyway?"
Thank you.
Thank you for being courageous and putting yourselves on the line for the Boot Camp. Thank you for being you, for each of you have gifts and talents that are showing themselves. Collectively, it as if you are all part of a Diamond, and the different spectrums of light emanating from the Diamond represent each one of you. Dang, that chokes me up ;-). You're all beautiful and doing a great job!
I will be glad to catch up with your blog postings . . . Until then . . . Know we're following closely, on the edge of our seats in anticipation for the seeds you've planted to begin sprouting their tender green shoots . . .
(**Note: the text for this post is not showing up correctly in spite of many attempts to fix its display on the blog. Please overlook it.)

1 comment:

bestblinddate said...

You are just so ding dang encouraging :-) I love it! Thank you so much for being you :-)