Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Half-Step in this Mid-Week Steppin' It Up Series --- Day 17

Day 17


Well, how many parents CAN identify with this situation due to the weather systems we're having these days? Most of them!

Big Z was sad about the no school call, however, he eased into full relaxation. He read a book, watched t.v., viewed a video, traded Pokemon cards, visited with his grandma, made gluten-free brownies, ate them, and walked to the post office with me and our neighbor, and lastly, played UNO with me. He was not about to do any homework OR any business this day.


Big Z listened actively to Ginny on the morning Boot Camp call regarding Chinese Bamboo. That, he felts, was worth listening to. I agree 100%.

Read the entire story here, an SBIY (Someone Believes In You) version by Ginny Dye:

Accomplishments for our day:

Attend both Boot Camp calls.
--3 Follow-up calls. 1 from contact yesterday. Result: Not now due to life transition, but will follow along and consider later. 3 follow-up connects, and each haven't viewed info.
--1 Connect with team member. Good conversation.
--Visit website to take a look at Ginny's hand-bound inspirational books.
--still fatigued, but believe the bullet was dodged on full-flown virus, YEAH.
--catch up with Boot Campers' blogs and respond to some until 2 responses were eaten-- will retype those again tomorrow

Even though I'm tired (it's way past bedtime for this Mama), I'm beginning to feel that surge of energy that I've been awaiting . . . That powerful wave is coming into our lives just as Jacki and Ginny are speaking of . . . This is going to be cool. The experience. The year.



Heading to bed with a song in my heart tonight:

Together We Can Change The World Song

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