Day 25
Today I met with some challenges . . . Inner challenges. Big Z is beginning to have some issues with the amount of time my attention is diverted from him while moving forward in the growth of Big Z's Enterprise. Long story short, we ended up butting wills before school, and, as I was straining to hear the conference call. My core reared up in anger and frustration. We talked on the way to school and I checked in with him again about our move forward.
Big Z understands that he wants a business; he wants it to grow. He also understands that he would rather have me home vs. being out at a job. If I was working, life would be more much more hectic and he would see much less of me. He would gain more time with his Dad, but, as his Dad is working his own business from home, there is likelihood that he would be with another caregiver during the hours he wasn't in school. This is one of the reasons I have always wished to remain home and work from home vs. working outside of the home-- maximizing time with my son.
Flexibility; time freedom; an ability to stay home if Big Z is ill, or, for the many days that school is out of session, whether planned or unplanned; taking time off in the summer; and the hope of making an income that can far exceed what can be made at a 9-5 job ---- these are the the attractors for growing Big Z's Business. Added to this are college education funds, and, an ability to set Big Z up financially for his life, ensuring that not only are his needs met, but, that he is able to live comfortably and give to others so that their lot in life may be improved as well.
This business is valuable for Big Z in learning from the get-go that helping others in life is just the right thing to do. Having Foundation Malls that devote 100% of the income off our efforts is incredible for both of us. It puts giving on the same level as taking care of ourselves. The saying goes, "Help enough people get what they want in life and the rest takes care of itself," and as much as that is true, we know that sometimes, we have to help ourselves first before we can help others. Just like they tell parents on the airplane: Put your mask on first; then secure the mask on your child. This is the bonus of having a World Changer Mall and a World Changer Foundation underneath you. You get to help others and make a difference with your lives; and, you get to help yourself, all with the same amount of effort.
Our butting of wills and Big Z's desire to distract my attention from the call created a lot of stress in my body. It was really difficult to shake it. Eventually I did when I was visiting with a client and her family for a few hours, however, upon my departure and as I was shopping for some groceries, I felt it creep back in. As I tried to get a handle what I was feeling, I became frustrated. And, the feeling intensified the closer it came to pick up Big Z from school. The feeling was even more intense during the evening call.
While making our big effort to be Boot Camp followers, making our commitment to put much of our life's energy into growing the business, knowing our financial situation is dire and it's either grow the business or get a job, I'm beyond the panic mode, even though the economic forecast says we're in the worst financial times since the Great Depression. We're choosing "grow the business." Why? Because our hopes and our chances of success are greater by sticking it out with My Power Mall than our chances of employment (I learned this at a temp. agency before Thanksgiving), AND, employment 9-5, or more, isn't that much of a thrilling occupation for me anyhow.
And there is another rub. Since our return from our California trip over the holidays, very little has happened that appears to be moving us forward except for the messages that we're in the right place, both with Big Z's Enterprise and my healing work. I've known that we would redirect our energies towards working with leads, because they are something that we already have--- we don't have to spend money to get them. Big Z has been rewarded leads from winning contests and I've had a bunch sitting in Peak Impact's System. But, since the New Year, I've not called a single one. ***WHAAT???***
This causes the pressure build-up: struggle with Big Z over my attention diverted, even though we are still getting time to play games, etc; and though the week has been filled with having a client daily (which brings immediate income and life passion realized, two very important life necessities), I've made zero calls, which in essence, moves our business no where . . .
Zero calls = Zero dollars. That's the bottom line. Camper Eleanor has said it best: Work your business like a business and it will pay you like a business.
I emailed a Boot Camper yesterday. We're in similar situations and we're becoming friends through this Boot Camp. As I wrote her, I realize that I am taking action in the business, I have intentions for growing the business, Big Z and I are in as much alignment as we can be about it at his young age.
It is good the action I am taking, it is supportive of others and I am fulfilled in this way, however, unless I do what I must to speak to people and make them aware of My Power Mall, and FIND THOSE WHO DO WANT TO CHANGE THEIR LIVES, sorting the chaff from the grain, nothing will happen to grow Big Z's Enterprise ;-).
In addition, the Wave that Ginny and Jacki began to ride early in the new year is now the Boot Campers' Wave, and that Wave is turning into a Tidal Wave of Good Will and Growth with the daily sign ups of new members to the Boot Camp Teams. Momentum is picking up.
The bottom line: Though I've felt the energy, celebrated the success of others, and know that my board is in the water and my feet are feeling the warm surf lap against my legs, and the inviting blue skies mixed with rich salt air, and the increasingly larger waves in succession that carry my vision into the vast distance of Ginny's powerful Together We Can Change the World Mission, we are not riding the wave. For the only way to RIDE THE WAVE is to HAVE TEAM MEMBERS who are also waxing their boards and setting off to ride their waves along with us.
This isn't new news. But I'm feeling it in a new way for this Boot Camp. Now, the question is, What am I going to do about it? What are we going to do about it?
We must create a plan for success. We must set our minds and hearts upon achievement of success by working our plan. The plan must not have deviations unless they are very good reason for deviations. We have to set limits and boundaries. We must have incremental rewards for incremental attainment of our plan. We must be consistent in talking with people; we must be consistent in following up. We must be consistent in teaching our team. We must practice the art of being balanced, and being focused. We must remember to rest, renew, play, exercise and meditate. We must be vigilent in asking the question: Is this going to move me closer or further from my intented destination, and then we must make our final call--- sometimes we will move further away, but as long as we *know* it is happening and we choose it in that moment, we will also have chosen consciously and be able to accept that choice without feeling guilty, disappointed, angry, etc. We must celebrate the *missed moments* while following the plan because it is following the plan that will take us ultimately where we want to go.
Anything I missed? ;-0>
I went to bed early tonight with Big Z, snuggled up in his covers next to him, and was so grateful to put my head on the pillow and relax all parts of me. As Reconnective Healing Energies washed over me, I let go. While there, I couldn't help but feel that calling it a day was the best decision I could make. And, it was clear that while being there next to him, and feeling his quick relaxation and registers, that he was getting what he needed, too. For a few hours, we were being healed, and I knew that whatever had transpired in the day was being washed clean. We were Being, Together, bathed by God and All That Is, and held in the hands of Grace.
Three hours later, I bolted awake, still feeling the headiness from sleep and the R.H. Energies. I smiled at Big Z, and listened to his breathing. I got up and really didn't want to do anything but sleep some more. Sleep didn't come however. Instead, this blog posting and my continued thoughts of the Boot Campers . . .
Oh how we wanted to be Boot Campers. But, a tiny voice in me said that there would be no way we could manage the intense requirements. As it happens, it's great that we didn't put our application in. And, the death of my step-Dad and my two trips to CA impeded upon our ability to give all out. Regardless of this, we have had the intention of being the best Boot Campers that we can. We have not lived up to the intense requirements, and that is just reality without judgement.
And, when I consider those of you who are left as Boot Campers throughout this day, and all your challenges, your jobs and your commutes, the illnesses, the cold, the auto accidents, the family life and requirements of daily living, and the battles with Self and Fear, I have to say that I don't know how you manage to be such great Boot Campers. But you are Great Boot Campers. You are here. You are doing what you must do daily. You are succeeding. You are on the MPM WAVE. Your MPM Tidal Wave is Success. And, that Tidal Wave is Changing the World, one step and one seed at a time. How proud I am of all of you. And, how inspired I am by all of you.
And our little hiccup today brings me back to a call that happened early in the Boot Camp. Some of you were experiencing your own hiccups and Ginny gave a pep-talk. This hiccup is temporary. Emotions are fleeting. And, I know, that hiccups are the necessary requisites for growth. You all are prime examples of it. Will there be more hiccups? It's assured (oh, this reminds me of a Dr. Suess book, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"), you will have more hiccups. The good news is that you, me, and Big Z will move beyond those hiccups and time and time again.
Here's to YOU!
3 years ago
1 comment:
What an inspiration you are Tess! Love and Hugs to you and BigZ :-)
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