Why Initiative?
Initiative because that's what it takes sometimes . . .
My day began at 0515 to rally my senses from dream time to awareness for my post with the Live Chat Customer Support Line. It was a quiet morning from 0600-0700 P.S.T. so I used the time to visit with a fellow Customer Chat Representative Sweden. That was great fun to talk on IM all the way around the globe ;-). As was the added hour that I spent training and getting to know our Director of Customer Service, Nita.
I took initiative to be prepared in case there was someone who needed our assistance. If I didn't, some person or persons would have been disappointed they didn't get help when they needed it.
What our position will help us gain is freedom--- information that gains freedom but only through our initiative to do it.
Here's what we are doing to take initiative -- and what every single member of our company could benefit from -- as a key ingredient to growing our business:
1) Sign up for the 24/7 MPM 101 in your back office with Dr. Bob.
Go over it again even if you took live training with him in the past. Nita mentioned that he's added new information. This is good to do every once in awhile.
2) Sign up for Jacki's World Changer Clinic.
We've taken the clinic already, but we're going to take it again. It will keep us fresh.
3) Study the FAQ's on our toolbar.
Did you know that you CAN study some of these bits of info without logging into your back office?
We're going over our Toolbar FAQ, our Mall FAQ, our Biz Site FAQ and our Sales FAQ.
Because things are always changing, and we'll get caught up on the latest and greatest that will assist us in growing our team, and in training our teams.
4) We're going back through all of our Power Bite Trainings. They are packed with "bite-sized" tips and tricks for gaining the maximum from your back office and for growing your business.
The link for Power Bites on your Tool Bar has a handy feature -- they've separated each category of Power Bites so that you may read all about "Motivation" or "Business Building" or "Company Information."
5) We're also going to spend some time glossing some old Updates.
And, did you know that you can access these by using that sweet little Tool Bar that you can download from your back office from Google? Yes. It's there, customized for your optimum performance ;-).
Here's one thing I learned today:
The tool bar may now be added to FireFox browser. When it was first released, we only had it for IE. Yippee!
But what does it take as a key ingredient to your success?
It takes Your Initiative to take advantage of the trainings, the power bites, the tips and tricks, the how-to videos, and the updates that are in place for your success. If we don't take initiative, then we will be hard-pressed to when it comes to growing our businesses and our teams. We can't expect someone else to grow our teams for us.
The information we have at our disposal to answer our own questions are improving all the time. Because so much information is here, it should be much easier for you to have success.
If you find your question isn't answered, then sent it to customer service because your query may valuable for another -- it can be added to improving the FAQ's and trainings that are already in place.
What are you going to take initiative on today that will move you forward in your business?
Enjoy your initiative. Enjoy your training. Enjoy your learning. Enjoy your progress. Enjoy your success. Enjoy your rewards.
And, thank you for taking initiative to read our blog ;-).
3 years ago
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